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[22.06] Kastor's Silver Tower Sigmarine as truescale SM Cap

Kastor Krieg

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I have never really been a subscriber to the idea of putting a standard marine helmet on a terminator body, and I have to say I'm not a fan of it here either. Have you given any thought to using a head from terminator commander culln, or maybe a bare head and having a "watcher" carry the termie helmet? Another idea that comes to mind is taking a ultramarines (heresy I know but hear me out) honor guard head with the winged faceplate and sculpting a sword down the nose bridge. That way, the helmet would look properly antiquated and ornate and not like trooper joe's helmet.


In terms of weapons, if plasma blasters come to fruition in the new DA dex, I'd imagine swapping out the flamer barrel could be done quite easily.


Lufgt Huron is a wonderful basis for a Belial conversion- and cant wait to see the finished product.

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@Brother Tyrax

Yes, the normal bare head that comes with Huron is a separate bit, on the usual round "stump".



Well, I also got a bit with about the same helmet, only in a hood. It looks really Belialy and in turn, I'm actually a huge fan of these "crusader" helmets (came back to 40k as a BT player, duuuuh :D), so they look gorgeous on about everything for me ^_^




The idea with the helmet-bearer is actually a neat one. I also have a head of the HE Prince from my DP conversion [ http://www.totalwargamer.co.uk/blog/wp-con...-hippogriff.jpg ], so I could cut down the spiky helm, model a Marine faceplate on it, leave the wings on and make it a helmet for the bearer.

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What you could try doing, is something that I recently did for a project I'm working on where I used the hooded head and stuck it into a termi body. All I had to do to make it look a little more normal (to me anyways) was shave down the back end of it so it was able to slip into the hole that the normal termi head would fit. Now that's just what I did...if you're happy with yours then ill shut up and continue to admire your work. ^_^
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Yeah, I considered that, however I do not know if that would look very natural. I'd have to shave both the stump and the back of the head. Then, the head might actually fall too deep in, I'd have to fill out the body a tad, too. We shall see ^_^
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That a lovely DP, gonna have to use that idea :)

Thank you! :)


Loving the Tzeentchian daemon prince. Reminds me of this guy:




Thanks and LOL :D


The green stuff + bits job on the DP is almost finished, I will show it when it's done. Stay tuned! :)

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And here it is, as promised. The GS was done by Michał "Riplay" Gos. What I'm pretty proud of, the conversion contains bits from ONLY two sources - Chaos Daemons "Daemon Prince" box and Island of Blood's "High Elf Prince on Gryphon" (most obviously the head, wings and legs, but also the back robe and side feathery parts). Two princes mashed together? How that song went? Oh.


One, two princes kneel before you

That what I said now

Princes, princes who adore you

Just go ahead now

One has diamonds in his pockets

That's some bread, now

This one said he wants to buy you rockets

Ain't in his head, now


Enjoy! :rolleyes:









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Thanks! Now I'm going to be afraid to eff it up with my painting "skills" >.>


And actually, a pretty renowned painter (Camelson, http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/camels...rowseid=3738291 ) has expressed interest in possibly painting it for a Golden Daemon competition. I'd love to actually see that happen, keep fingers crossed! :)

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Thanks! Now I'm going to be afraid to eff it up with my painting "skills" >.>


And actually, a pretty renowned painter (Camelson, http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/camels...rowseid=3738291 ) has expressed interest in possibly painting it for a Golden Daemon competition. I'd love to actually see that happen, keep fingers crossed! :)


That guy is an ok painter I suppose...

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Yeah, but the greatest reservation I'd have about that is that I'd need to shelve the miniature and not play with it. So I'm more likely to end up painting it myself, to my "standard" and just enjoy playing with it in the actual game it was intended for. Hope that the effort I put into it will make it PWN all the enemies now! ;)
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Here's another weird thing I came up with! :P


I positively HATE the way the Obliterators look. At the same time, I need to play with some Oblits-counts-as unit. Thus, I've decided to convert the two-handed Ushabti with Great Weapons into Thousand Sons monstrosities. I concentrated on several things:

* Egyptianesque feel and design of the most of the miniature

* Abnormal and bulky stacking of the weaponry / bits

* Legio Cybernetica influence


and I ended up with this - Egyptian psychically controlled undead robots, with guns. What's not to like, lol? It all clicked when I realized the angled round bit on the plasma cannon fits the arm socket perfectly. I quickly tested that I could cout and adjust other weapons in the same fashion and the most problematic thing, mounting, was done. Then it came down to adjusting and adding blingy bitz and done! :)






What do you think, fearsome and unique enough? :>

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I really like the way the dp's humanoid arms blend into talons, and likewise with the legs, but something about the head jarres for me in that it looks like a birds head mounted on a body rather than the gradual mutation thing you have going on so well on the rest of the mini. Maybe if you swapped the beak for a mouth or vise versa mounted a beak on a head? Just my thoughts on your very inspiring mini. keep on truckin brother
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I adore the idea of using Ushtabi as the base for 1k sons obliterators! However, the way they are now seem incredibly off balance<?>. IMO, you need to add backpack ammo feeds, cables, etc. onto the melee weapon sides and backs to balance the models out.
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I really like the way the dp's humanoid arms blend into talons, and likewise with the legs, but something about the head jarres for me in that it looks like a birds head mounted on a body rather than the gradual mutation thing you have going on so well on the rest of the mini. Maybe if you swapped the beak for a mouth or vise versa mounted a beak on a head? Just my thoughts on your very inspiring mini. keep on truckin brother


The abrupt change is because of the PA he's still wearing. He's feathery all over, but the armor covers some. And the head is bullseye for my needs, as it so closely resembles the peregrine falcon, on which the images of Egyptian god Horus were based.






See? ;)


I adore the idea of using Ushtabi as the base for 1k sons obliterators! However, the way they are now seem incredibly off balance<?>. IMO, you need to add backpack ammo feeds, cables, etc. onto the melee weapon sides and backs to balance the models out.

I know what you mean, but I can't possibly spare cash for a Devastator box just to make this conversion happen. Also, I kinda like the imbalance, because for me it makes you immediately think that IF that works - hell, how fiendishly STRONG these Ushabti need to be to swing these arms around? And any backpacks would cover up way to much of the expensive Ushabti Egyptian style I wanted to show off.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm working on a bit of new stuff. Young Huron ended up as a Dark Angels Company Master, I switched his Flamer (leaving the nice bulky ammo case) for one of the Termie Libby's alternate stormbolters, the one with plasma on it - ideal Lion's Roar, huh? :)


Unfortunately, the REALLY flimsy lightning claws have snapped and got lost, so instead of playing with the fist, I removed them all and left the guy with "lightning talons", if you will. I like that version of the weapon better anyway, both blades, on fist and fingers, seemed too much.


The Ivanus Enkomi mini got his crozius switched into a single handed weapon, he's reposed to face forwards and his left arm wields the other finecast Termie Libby's stormbolter, the one with the sling. Very awesome head on Enkomi, a really tough bastard of a Chaplain, he'll serve well :>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are the pictures of progress so far (just what's been described above, conversions are done, painting underway), plus the untouched TDA Libby. I'm VERY happy with how the Chaplain turned out, so much badassitude! happy.png










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Thanks, mate! Hope to have some more updates soon! smile.png


There is a Deathwatch Land Raider, with temple bits from the new DA flyer, on the way, along with the new flyer itself, in the simpler fighter version. Stay tuned! biggrin.png

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Got an idea, because somebody complained that the Chaplain looks wrong with the crozius held like that - I removed the magnetized cloak, positioning the arm to the back, along the leg. I can't put the cloak back on it, but a magnetized backpack will go right on and I can use the cloak elsewhere msn-wink.gif


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