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[22.06] Kastor's Silver Tower Sigmarine as truescale SM Cap

Kastor Krieg

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  • 2 months later...

Long time no see, thread msn-wink.gif

Since then, I've gathered quite a collection of Dark Angels and even started painting them in their usual livery, when I found that it... annoys me. Even though I like the basic post-Heresy colors, I hate that the three 'wings having a separate colour pattern. Therefore, especially since my new compressor and aero toys have just arrived, I've re-colored them ALL (a Mortis Venerable Dread, the dedicated flyer and over 30 Terminators, termie HQs and 5 Knights among them) with VMA 71018 (Camouflage Black Green). They will get details and fancy stuff in one of the warm brass colors from the new GW palette (I'm set on one of them, just can't recall the name off-hand).

They will end up looking somthing like this. Tell me what you think? What robe color should I pick? smile.png



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Two more ideas then, for the robes / clothes. VMC 971, Green Grey, a pale greenish grey hue, instead of the everpresent "bleached bone" or "dheneb stone" color equivalent.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, guys. Any ideas where I could get a decent Drach'nyen-like sword for my Failbaddon counts-as?




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You mean this one?



I'd love to get my hands on this one, it has promise, especially as it's a leftie already:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually getting Crowe's daemon sword for my Lord, so that's set smile.png

Now, I've FINALLY corrected the plasma on my "Ushabliterators" and put them into white basecoat. Yes, they are "off-balance", but that's actually intended. They are supposed to be inhumanly strong, being able to lug these enormous weapons around with ease, when looking a bit on the frail side themselves. Warp magic, y'know msn-wink.gif

I think that with the basecoat on, the 40k/wfb bit clash is not so obvious now, will be even less with paint on. What do you think?





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My problem with these giant weapons isn't really that it's unrealistic, but that these models are just visually really unbalanced, and it's not very aesthetically pleasing.


But I guess whatever floats your boat. Cloud can manage it, why can't these Ushabti.


One thing though, the one with the heavy bolter: where is that ammo feed going? I might be seeing it wrong but it seems like it just randomly stops in mid air.

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Yeah, it does, it's a Devastator part. I might put something at the end, to make it "trail out of warp", and paint it accordingly, for example, but so far it's what it is - a flexible cluster of bolter-shell modules, on the upswing by the Ushabliterator. If the arm was stationary, they'd be falling in a chain, straight down.
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Great conversion! Best TS demon prince I think i've ever seen.

Thanks! Very happy with how the DP is being received. Now, if only I had cash... I'm looking at you Flamespyre Phoenix wings and Soul Grinder Torso! One can dream...
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My problem with the Oblits is is looks like you just put Warhammer 40k weapons on fantasy models.  The integration with your DP is so much more fluid that the Oblits just stick out like hammer smashed, bloody nailed, sore thumbs.

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Here's a tryout for the new Brass Lions pattern, mostly a test of how the colors work with each other (I'm really happy with how both greens blend after the Nuln wash and how they work with the Brass then!).

I decided to make a distintion, the PAs can be more or less "freshly painted", but stuff like TDA and Dreadnoughts will have more of a patina. I stole the recipe from Brother Midian and his Maze of Minotaurs, slightly altering it for my needs.

The main color is VAC 71018 (Camouflage Black Green), overbrushed with GW Warpstone Glow. Then a heavy wash of Nuln Oil on everything and we get to work on the metal. I overbrushed it with the main color (GW Brass Scorpion, TOTALLY not what it looks like in the bottle - look at the PA details, that's the color!), followed by a light drybrush of Necron Compound and a thick wash of Seraphim Sepia. The new sepia stays thicker and has more saturation as a layer than the old one. It has also created a pretty nice small "crackle laquer" effect on the heraldic shield, when I left a thick drop of it to dry out.

In general, the TDAs are expected to have a bit more wear and tear, hence I experimented with a light Brass Scorpion drybrush on the helmet area and a light Seraphim Sepia wash around the eyes to create a subtle "OSLish" effect.

Tell me what you think! smile.png



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Here's another shot then, showing the way I will be painting the backpacks, the way I painted my Flamer Vet and the way I started painting the Venerable Dreadnought (not washed yet, so it's bright - and the torso mid-armor is not glued on yet, of course.


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I wanted to go with the whole army in one pattern, without Deathwing / Ravenwing distinction, and at the same time make it both distinctly Dark Angel and avoid going into Salamanders area (that's why I dropped the initial idea of going with a bit muted but still staurated orange instead of brass). You can take a peek at the Brass Lions here, there will be content soon, for now it's just a skeleton sketch of an IA.



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