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[22.06] Kastor's Silver Tower Sigmarine as truescale SM Cap

Kastor Krieg

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New Chaplains! Always good to have new Chaplains. Since they were nerfed and BT Chaplains require all the splendor and glory, I will be using my Chappies as Helbrecht's Honor Guard. Because that's how BT roll!





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I really have no clue. Once upon a time I got a set of skulls + bones + tombstones made from a tan, actually "bone" colored plastic. These were among them, there's also a "screaming" one which would looks awesome were I to make a Doomrider ;)

The mate I most probably got them from tell me these can be 3ed/4ed WFB Undead bits, but he's not sure. Here's the rest of what I have:



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Fantastic stuff all round but I love the sense of motion in that daemon prince. thumbsup.gif

Thank you! That's what I was going for - on the move, in your face chargin daemon prince. I'm glad it comes across :)

He's primed white now and still waiting for a paint job. I still won't dare, not yet :P

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New Chaplains! Always good to have new Chaplains. Since they were nerfed and BT Chaplains require all the splendor and glory, I will be using my Chappies as Helbrecht's Honor Guard. Because that's how BT roll!

An excellent idea!

Looking very good so far!

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An excellent idea! Looking very good so far!

Thanks! :]

"Yo dawg, I heard you liked skulls, so we put a skull wher- oh, wait, that was your face, wasn't it? Sorry."

The more skulls in 40k, the more important something is. A guy has a skull for his face, he's important.

I like the idea of a Chaplonor Guard. Seems like it will probably look pretty cool when it is done.

Yeah, I'm calling it "Reclusiam Guard". What's funniest, I will most likely end up buying power maces for them, just to piss people off biggrin.png
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Yeah, I'm calling it "Reclusiam Guard". What's funniest, I will most likely end up buying power maces for them, just to piss people off

And with BT rending on 6s now, hello challenges!  Got any big plans for the "chapter champion" chaplain for the reclusiam guard?  


Are you gonna make a chaplain with a banner?  Oh, my mind is boggling with all the potential!

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A long time ago, GW used to sell a skeleton horde box of 25 skellies for $8. That's where that stuff comes from. I bought something like 30 boxes because back then in WFB, skeletons were 1.5 pts a piece and I wanted a horde.


Never did play WFB, so I got rid of a lot of the boxes and have a few sprues left that I use for bone bits.


Love the conversion.

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Aaaand more! smile.png
I couldn't resist, especially with the Reclusiam Guard project opened so well on the weekend. I made more use of the new Sternguard box I got myself and boooooy, are there awesome bits in there or WHAT. Just have a look!

Both new Chaplains have the WFB Undead heads Honda mentioned above. I will be getting more from that friend, so expect more awesomesauce Chappies! I really like the screaming skull's dynamism and how it turned out with the open swing of the crozius / relic blade. Likewise, the Sternguard reversed combat knife hand is a really neat touch to the 2nd Chaplains "Imma wrecka ya face!" attitude.


And here are my new Sternguard / Honor Guard for the Cobalt Fists (IF/CF) + Templars force. Once again, the Sternguard bodies and legs shine. The pads are straight up awesome. I couldn't resist, too, and made myself a badass Sternguard with a Holy Orb of Antioch, to salute the old Dex (and possibly use him for Apocalypse vortex nades, too). The last guy's sword is a leftover from the Elven Prince on Gryphon I used to make the Tzeentchian Daemon Prince upthread. I also like how the Mk3 PA crested helmet worked to make the Sternguard a "tough guy" in connection with the pose. With the weird blue guy, I tried to show that he's lowered the bolter and is just reaching for his sword. I hope that comes across clearly in how he's posed. I even gave the old AOBR Captain's body a shot and "refurbished" him into a Sternguard, using reappropriated Khorne Berzerker (sic!) legs and the cloak i have leftover from the Ivanus Enkomi conversion I did upthread. Worked out pretty dynamic.

Overall, I'm really happy with how these guys came out! :)
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Thanks! smile.png

I'm very fond of this one, too. This one and the Holy Hand Grenade one are my favs out of this set, aside from the Chaplains. They got primer on them now (white for the Honor/Stern, black for Chaplains, of course) and some of the Sterns are getting their wash done slowly already, so expect updates next week, maybe even this weekend! smile.png

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I think those are actually the 5th ed Skeletons. They use the same parts as the Skeleton Horde box (4th ed ... I think) but have additional parts added. The gravestones, orc skull, helmeted skull and arrow don't seem to be in the original Skeleton Horde box, but they were definitely in the Skeleton regiment box released for Vampire Counts (the first time that Vampire Counts were separated from Undead) towards the end of 5th ed. Here's the sprue from the original Skeleton Horde and here's the sprue from the 5th ed Vampire Counts Skeletons.

Utterly useless information, but I felt the need to share it anyway tongue.png.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Cobalt Fists keep on steaming. The Sternguard are primed and have started getting washed. In the meantime, I decided that the Land Raider Crusader, which had been "reassigned" from Black Templars to Dark Angels, and been a WIP since forever, needs to get finished ASAP. So, here it is, WIP still, but taking shape as we look.


The recipes are as follows:

PURPLE = white GW spray primer, airbrush Genestealer Purple, airbrush Liche Purple (it's a rare one, VERY vividly pigmented, but the current Xereus Purple should do)

YELLOW = white GW spray primer, VMA Gold Yellow (71.078), _AIRBRUSHED_ Cassandora Yellow (sic! airbrushing it was a stroke of genius, the shading and "warm taxi glow" is pretty striking)


The doors are just put in there to show the contrast between the colors. The interior is almost fully painted already. All the doors, front segment (the "head"), including the assault cannon casing, will be yellow, just as well as the casing of the hurricane bolters. This way, the LRC closely resembles the color pattern I used for the Chapter.


The bit on the engine block comes from the DA Nephilim Jetfighter kit (roof finish on the alternate pattern). I'm strongly considering masking the area around the "L"-shaped indents at the front of the LRC and making them yellow, too. I'm wondering though if it won't be too much yellow (both doors will already be that and there's the head. So, maybe some smaller yellow detail bits rather, like Templar stuff with yellow ribbons, on the flat purple surface.


And yes, it's going to be pulling double duty as a Templar and Cobalt Fists vehicle. My Templars are part of the Cobalt Fists force anyway and I decided that I will be keeping them more in line with the original yellow-and-black IF pattern, possibly inverted, also with some purple details as third colour.








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  • 2 months later...

The Librarian "Loth" conversion WIP is finalized and has entered painting stage. Also, I've recovered an old metal limited edition Vet Axe Sarge, gave him a nice Storm Shield, making him more like a Captain. Looks pretty badass with the axe backswing behind it, if you ask me :>






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