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[22.06] Kastor's Silver Tower Sigmarine as truescale SM Cap

Kastor Krieg

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Thanks! :)

I went with a bit of mismatched armor, to mirror his need to scavenge gear - the plasma arm is a Chaosy one, but the bolt pistol one is more of a clean kit. The torso and head are from the DV Librarian, but the backpack comes from old edition Chaos Marines :)

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Thanks! It's really rewarding to read that the idea works for others just as well as it did for myself :)

I think it's the deep hood and the kind of a "smirk" he has that made it click. I hope I will be able to get him painted and provide better shots soon smile.png

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For me that's exactly what makes him ambiguous. There are no Chaos marks on him, he has DA livery all over him, but the right hand armor and backpack are old patterns. Not mutated, but some arrows, spikes and such. These were something that some Legions, Luna Wolves / Sons of Horus for example, had from the very start, prior to HH, so it's not as obvious as 8-fold stars and mutations. But there's a hint - has he worn them BECAUSE he's on the other side? Or has he simply looted some hapless Traitor's armour? You can't tell, but you can see the hints.

That's what makes him Cypher for me smile.png

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Looks much better than the metal that they're trying to sell people.

That means a lot to me, mate. I'm a fan of the old Cypher sculpt and while it shows it's age a bit, I think it's one of the more timeless ones, unlike Abaddon or old PA Librarians. So, if you think mine is better then I feel really complimented.

Now here's hoping I won't make it look like crap in painting, lol biggrin.png

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Here's the thing, green but not the kind of green you'd imagine (per the dataslate it's green, though). I'm washing the black undercoat with the old GW Dark Green Ink (it looks like a very dark Son of Horus armor now) and I will wash it with a coat or two of Nuln Oil when it's dry. I'm going for that very dark British Rally Green kind of color. Black with hints of green, if you will.
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I would say go for black, after all he was a part of the Dark Angels LEGION, not the Dark Angels CHAPTER. I think he should wear legion colours, to show that he belongs to another age as such. But its up to you.

The dataslate reportedly makes a point of a black / green distinction. Lord Cypher was a title among the "old guard" black-armored DA on Caliban (meaning the man who was to see that the old ways and traditions are preserved), but after Luther started to give away the vibe of dropping a tad off the hinges, there quickly came up an opposition, whose mysterious leader was given the title of Cypher, as a call out to the "proper old was", nto the changes Luther started introducing on his own. And that leader is our Cypher.


Hence, the armor being green, not black.

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Looks much better than the metal that they're trying to sell people.

That means a lot to me, mate. I'm a fan of the old Cypher sculpt and while it shows it's age a bit, I think it's one of the more timeless ones, unlike Abaddon or old PA Librarians. So, if you think mine is better then I feel really complimented.Now here's hoping I won't make it look like crap in painting, lol :D

Right on with the cudos to the 'old' Cypher model: one of the best that they ever did in my opinion. However, the size of the hands compared to the rest of him is shocking ( GW model, not yours :) )


Great conversion there too. Done a spiffing job, I look forward to seeing the finished product

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Well, one of the better tags about the old Cypher model was that the arms are completely separate, allowing you to remove the less refined parts without having to take a hacksaw to it. The body/sword/robes are pretty good even today.


My model of cypher is winging its way towards me, as well as the replacement arms and weaponry. Will post a pic or two when it's done

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