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Using the Stormraven as transport in 6th


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I'm drafting up my final list, and I'm pretty torn between using the SR or the LRR as a transport for my termis. I like the SR more, because I think it looks cooler, but I can see the following problem using it as a transport for nice fat meaty units:


1) Quad gun emplacements - Seems like many people are buying the quad gun to shoot down fliers. While it doesn't have a good chance of blowing it up on turn 1, if it ever does, that's 450 points down the drain.


2) Flier meta-game - Meta is changing to one where the newer codices use fliers, many of which are good at taking down other fliers, again, if it blows up, its 450 points down the drain


3) Hover-mode to unload troops - The SR might be pretty hard to hit zooming, but given the amount of heat it carries, the moment it switches to hover, I can see all enemies training their fire on it to blow it up. That means it has only been around 3 turns. The only counter I can think of is when it switches to hover, unload the troops, then move flat out to some cover. The problem with that is that you're wasting another turn of shooting (don't forget turn 1 is already wasted), and cover is not available.


Seems to me that using the SR as a non-transport zooming gunship seems the way to go forward, or at least, let it carry very low-value troops, so the loss is not that great. I don't really like the LRR look, but it seems far more durable as troops transport (AV14, 4HP)



For those curious, my list is as such, criticisms welcome, especially choice btwn SR/LRR:

Reclusiarch, JP

Priest, Terminator armour


5x Assault Termis, 3x TH+SS

10x Tacticals, Las/Plas

10x Tacticals, Las(ML for LRR)/Plas

10x Assault Marines, 2x flamers, TH

Baal Pred, HBs

SR + HB / LRR + MM

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I think the choice is very heavily dependent on your local meta, but I think most ppl will agree that the storm raven is more versatile and effective in it's role post disembark. If you do chose to go with the raven I'd try to find the points for the SS/TH on the other two termies as extra insurance in case it gets shot down, you have a good chance of only losing one termie then, or play it like me and only stick mephy or a furioso in there ; ) If you do go with the raider I'd dig up the hurricane sponsors and make it a crusader; also more versatile then a redeemer, how often do you get to use both those flamers and no snap firing templates hurts...
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1) Kill it with fire. Seriously, when you have flyers, this is the first thing you should aim to kill during T1.

2) Try to go second if you can. Other dude brings in his flyer(s), you bring in your storm raven, and shoot it down. If you are forced to go first, not all flyers are great at dealing with the Raven. And even if it does get shot down, hammernators still have a good chance of surviving.

3) Pick your timing. If there are too many threats still on the board, delay deploying. If that is unworkable for your battleplan, then perhaps you should indeed look at a Land Raider instead, though these come with their own issues.

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I use a crusader.


Flamers just dont work on vehicles (hell hound aside), and havent since 2nd Ed when every gun could fire at different targets.

You arent going to a decent target for two redeemer guns.

Even if you use PotMS and only move 6"


And crusaders can carry more :P


The Raven can work as a transport.

Quad guns really arent a threat. They just arent.


The problem is more that its going to take three turns to get your forces in to combat, AT BEST.

And there will always be those games where it doesnt turn up till turn four.

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The problem is more that its going to take three turns to get your forces in to combat, AT BEST.

And there will always be those games where it doesnt turn up till turn four.


That's the kicker for Ravens. Most of the time a Raider of some decription is going to suit you better for delivering Terminators, as long as it's not just a suicide missile for a mostly shooty list. Stormravens are probably better as transports for Furiosos than terminators.


On Crusaders vs Redeemers. Obviously transport capacity is the first factor here. However If I'm fielding something that will fit inside, I'll take the Redeemer. Why ? You're more likely to fire the Hurricane sponsons, but I don't really need any more anti light infantry. Although the Flamestorm Cannon may not fire every game, it's worth it for those times it does. The Redeemer comes with a 'free' Multi-Melta compared to the Crusader too.

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@bartali hurricane bolters are good for more than light infantry. I you rapid fire them, that's 12 shots, 10 hits (rounding down re-rolls), 5 wounds against terminators. They should fail 1 of 6. That tells me that hurricane bolters won't take out a whole squad, by themselves, in one turn... Then again, what will? It does tell me that they can hurt more than just light infantry.
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For hammernator delivery, a stormraven is too slow ( turn 3) and dangerous. IMO you want those expensive troops in combat right away or at least have a threat bubble to influence the enemy. I would go with Land Raider for them.




The Stormraven is a good assault platform for less expensive more surgical strikes. Many times I will load mine 6-8 deathcompany and some power weapons, no Chaplin.


6 DC with 3 power axes cost 155pts.

15, str 5, ap- hits


15, str 6, ap2 hits


They are very good for killing a backfield warlord, or really anything that needs killing.


Fly in turn 2 shoot 2 targets, hover turn 3 shoot 2 more targets and assault a 3rd. If after 2 turns of stormraven fire and an assault by the DC doesn't severely limit the enemies ability the kill the hovering raven, then you are playing agianst IG... good luck :down:.


Also a DC Dread or furioso is a good package for the bird to deliver.

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@bartali hurricane bolters are good for more than light infantry. I you rapid fire them, that's 12 shots, 10 hits (rounding down re-rolls), 5 wounds against terminators. They should fail 1 of 6. That tells me that hurricane bolters won't take out a whole squad, by themselves, in one turn... Then again, what will? It does tell me that they can hurt more than just light infantry.


They may do... However I probably didn't phrase myself correctly. Generally I have enough Bolt Pistols/Flamers/CCWs etc that I don't miss Hurricane Bolters when I don't take them. Flamestorm Cannons whilst not being useful every game certainly make up for it in the other games.

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