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Sons of Creightos

Demus Ragnok

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Outline Sons of Creightos


Origins: Third founding born of a need to reinforce Imperial forces.




Home world: Bethbarah, an inhabited world with varied geography and cultures.




Combat Doctrine: They embrace the iron will and fiery temper of their primarch, known for relentless combined arms assaults.




Organization: The Sons of Creightos broadly follow the codex organizational structure with unique aspects developed over millennia of prosecuting the enemies of mankind. The tenth, ninth, eighth, and seventh companies exist as per the codex. The sixth company operates as a mix of tactical and assault squads rather than the prescribed ten tactical squads. The chapter’s battle companies each contain veteran units rather than those units being seconded from the first company. The first company therefore operates as a battle company.




Beliefs: “The flesh will betray you. A will of iron shall never.” This is the cornerstone of the chapter’s ideology.


Creightos served among the elite of the Iron Hands Legion during the dark days of the Horus Heresy. His gene seed was recovered after his death and used as the basis for the stock that built the chapter.




Geneseed: The chapter is of the lineage of Ferrus Manus.




Battle Cry: For Creightos, for Manus, FOR THE EMPEROR.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright as you can see from the OP I have a skeletal structure and I have some ideas I would like to hang on it. So here are some thoughts I would like to discuss before I begin writing in ernest.


Origins: I have thought about incorporating some political intrigue into this section. Such as the HLoT sanction an Astartes founding, the AdMech of course has intimate knowledge of this so... Certain powers that be amoung the mechanicus go out of their way to see that Iron Hand gene seed is used for the founding of this new chapter. Given that the sons of Manus tend to be more friendly with the Admech than others. Some thoughts I've had for motivation here is that the planned home world for the chapter in question is strategicly located near AdMech assets and they would be happy to have an astartes chapter there. But would like the most friendly allies possible. And then there is the fall out. The HIgh Lords find out about the geneseed substitution and get hot. Seeing the Iron Hands as having questionable loyaltees given the chapters closeness with the Admech. The high lords don't want more astartes running around with uncertain loyaltees and the ][ shows up at the still rather young chapters door.


I don't like this idea as much as I once did. Having the ][ poking their nose in and "influencing" a chapters development early on is,i fear, too easy.


My second thought is to have the chapter crossed up with the Ordo Hereticus after the Age of Apostacy because of their geneseed and physical closeness to AdMech assets. More on this in my thoughts in the Beliefs section.


Homeworld: I'll come back to this later. I have some solid plans but other thoughts press on my mind right now.


Combat Doctrine: Really nothing revolutionary here.


Organization: I'm still happy with my idea from the OP. A chapter that is basicly codex but the battle companies mirror the clan companies of their parent chapter. Why you say? Well I haven't decided yet.

Also I'm thinking of going with a HQ heavy system. Not really sure how or if I will approach that idea yet either. Something like chapter doctrine requiring mutiple officers even for what seems to be small detachments. Having a rank structure something like this, team leader-sergeant-master sergeant-leutinant-captain-commander-master. And this is where we really go out in left field, have some codex HQ units chaplains/librarians filling elite slots or something I'm not sure. That last part is more of a homebrew gameplay issue so...


Ok thats enough for now I think.


What says the Liber.

  • 1 month later...

Alright I wanted to bump this and inject some new ideas as well.


After reading Wrath of Iron and doing other reading on the Iron Hands I think my over all idea of the Sons is sound. They have been tempered by their home world much the way Medusa tempers the Iron Hands. The Hands are bleak, cold and unforgiving, like their home of Medusa.


I want to break from the "one world one geography" that seems to be prevelant in 40k. The Sons homeworld of Bethbarah has frozen polar mountains, rolling grasslands, deep dark forests, impassable deserts and an ocean that dominates the globe. The planet's land mass is a super continent which is nearly bisected by a narrow inland sea. A chain of large island flank the continent's southeastern coast.


As I've been working on characters in my mind I've looked at people in my daily life. I live in an area where people from many different races and cultures live and work. I want to make an Astartes chapter along those lines.One planet, one continent with geographical boundaries that gives rise to varied sub cultures that are all brought together to serve as the Emperors astartes.

Looking good so far. Unless I missed it, not sure what the geneseed substitution thing is you're referring to.


Having them as scions of Mars, set up near an important Ad Mech planet, is probably enough political intrigue. I think your instinct to leave the ][ out of it is right.

Alright I've had some more ideas.




The chapter honor Creightos, Ferrus Manus and the Emperor.


Creightos as the origin of their chapter. Sort of a father figure and exemplar of what an astartes should be.


They see Manus as the first martyr in the war against chaos. They believe Manus gave his life to allow his brothers to live to fight another day.


And the Emphrah, well he is the Emprah, what else can be said.


The chapters chaplains wear the traditional black and skull iconography, but with some changes. Chaplains paint their lower arms and helmets silver in reverance to the primarch. And here's the biggie, chaplains carry...axes instead of the crozious chaplains are known for. The fluff behind the axes is still fractional at this point. And it may be that not all chaplains carry the axes. I haven't got that far yet.


Also EzekyleVIII gave the idea for an elite unit "The Ashen", or something along those lines.

I'm struggling with this... I chose Manus as primarch for DIY because I like the portail of him in Fulgrim. He is a hard cold visage with a raging inferno inside.


Implacable... that is what I want. Marines that can't quit.


MY problem is this, the more I think about the Iron Hands the more I wonder how far from their core beliefs I can move, I know that UM successors have various beliefs and cultures. I know all children of Sanguinious have the flaw and a love of CC. The FIsts and the Templars are rather different from one another...


My Sons are not the techies that the IHs are. But they were the product of political wrangling my the AdMech. My Sons home is "near" some "minor" ,yet vital forge worlds.


The IHs hate weakness, they hate their own flesh and aspire to the mechanical.


My Sons hate weakness but they do not seek to replace their bodies with bionics. What their core tenant is I can't decide. They hate traitors, but all Loyalists do. They believe Manus sacrificed himself to allow his brothers to escape the massacre. I just cant make self sacrifice work as a belief system for an IH successor chapter. Could it, i guess, but I have these ideas and I jsut cant decide.


I want my Sons to live that part of the primarch that charged straight at the traitor lines on Istvaan. Not raging berzerkers,but implacable and impassioned warriors whom are at the same time imperfect as well.  


I'm trying to get ideas for a belief system to coalesce. I need a sounding board so I put this here.

There's apparently a book about the Heresy or the IH (Not sure, haven't read it) that opens with a quote by Manus, the tone of which seems to sugges that maybe bionic metal heads are not what he believed in or wanted from his sons. Perhaps a studious librarian/new chapter master read it or something like it and interpreted it exactly that way: Humanity has to cast off its weakness, but through...I dunno, hard work? Loyalty to the Emperor? Rooting out fear? Something besides going robo-cop. Its not a stretch, and would indeed be kind of bland if every IH successor did what the IH do just because they do it. You've got room to grow XD.

Somehow I had managed to forget that part of WoI. I went back and read it just now.


"Seek not the gifts of the machine, but after the mysteries of flesh and bone and blood. For if we are not the masters of our own flesh how then shall we master our enemies?"


I think that is pretty solid central tenant.


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