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Minions! ..

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I have always loved the Thousand sons, but I have also had a soft sport for the emperor's children (or pretty much all the cult legions :eek but Thousand sons by far the most) and, I have recently been thinking of two units I'd want to model/include, and try and be fluffy about it.

The first it Noise marines from the emperor's children, I reckon they would be fun to convert and paint, plus there ignore cover weaponry would help my Thousand sons, especially the like of tau and both Eldar types.

The second is a squad in the colors of the sons of Horus as I have fallen in love with that green sheep uses for his.

I'm just interested what my fellow sorcerers think about having non ruberic minions, of course I would never think of taking the servants of the blood god or the zombie marines.

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Well, thousand sons would be silly not to consider attracting some... cannon fodder while they attend to the real plans. And there are so, so many ways you could convince those fools to go along with your plan, from genuine plunder to offer, to carefully crafted lies...
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From the wisdom learned from Battle of the Fang: use meat shields! Seriously, rubrics didn't even get involved till they got into the Fang itself; they had all the little guys break it open for them so they could get to the good stuff.
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Slaanesh is Tzeentch's favorite of the other three gods, so I could see it working. Perhaps a band of slaaneshi marines decided that they could find interesting new experiences by joining up with a group of thousand sons. Or maybe a slaanesh sorcerer wanted to share secrets with a tzeentchian sorcerer. Just think of it as an allied detachment rather than a single force. Give the slaanesh allies their own HQ and personality.
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The idea is that their leader (I'm not sure on wherever he would be a lord, sorcerer or possibly a corrupted warpsmith or dark apostle) is an old friend of my Sorcerer from the heresy, with a couple of debts and oaths between them. Fast forward to the current, and after the a disastrous ettempt on Valkon II, most of (insert noise marine leaders name here) has lost most of his warband, his entire fleet except for a few escorts.Imagine his suprise when the "Hope of Prospero and it's attendant fleet came out of the warp, and Zarathustr offered protection, material, new sensations and support in return for services?
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Not marines but you could convert some beastmen as Tzaangor minions. Gors or Ungors could be done up as cultists. Bestigors are big tough fellas...counts-as-???? marines, perhaps?


Beastmarines! Maybe your sorceror wanted to bolster his numbers, and warped some beastmen to allow them to accept power armour, and armed them with outlandish weaponry. Beastmarines do fit with Slaanesh pretty well though anyway.

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Hmm...a strangely semi-appropriate question: I was thinking of using possessed as close combat troops in my warband, but painted as...what? I can't bloody well paint them in Thousand Sons colours, they are all dust!
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Hmm...a strangely semi-appropriate question: I was thinking of using possessed as close combat troops in my warband, but painted as...what? I can't bloody well paint them in Thousand Sons colours, they are all dust!


Maybe they captured some Space Dogs and had the daemons possess them?

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Hmm...a strangely semi-appropriate question: I was thinking of using possessed as close combat troops in my warband, but painted as...what? I can't bloody well paint them in Thousand Sons colours, they are all dust!


Maybe they captured some Space Dogs and had the daemons possess them?

This, if I were to include them, I'd paint the possessed as a mix from the different legions, the idea that the sorcerers do it so that the experience is as apinfull and unpleasent as possible, all betrayed the Thousand sons, so all shall pay. If you took a big enough squad you could take one from each legion :P

Possibly paint them as what ever marines your opponents use? Sure your guys will have a few captives from battles.

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Hmm...a strangely semi-appropriate question: I was thinking of using possessed as close combat troops in my warband, but painted as...what? I can't bloody well paint them in Thousand Sons colours, they are all dust!


Maybe they captured some Space Dogs and had the daemons possess them?

Ooooh, that is an excellent idea! :P

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Hmm...a strangely semi-appropriate question: I was thinking of using possessed as close combat troops in my warband, but painted as...what? I can't bloody well paint them in Thousand Sons colours, they are all dust!


Maybe they captured some Space Dogs and had the daemons possess them?

This, if I were to include them, I'd paint the possessed as a mix from the different legions, the idea that the sorcerers do it so that the experience is as apinfull and unpleasent as possible, all betrayed the Thousand sons, so all shall pay. If you took a big enough squad you could take one from each legion :)

Possibly paint them as what ever marines your opponents use? Sure your guys will have a few captives from battles.

Well, there are a some SW players locally, so I started off with a SW:


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With regards to Possessed, I love the idea of doing them as bound and forcibly mutated Space Wolves. Maybe your Thousand Sons sorcerers have found a way of twisting the Canis Helix, effectively turning them into rabid, Werewolf Space Marines. Call them Fenrir or Cerberites; give them many heads and chains and set them loose.


As for allies and minions, the Thousand Sons are particularly forgiving in this regard; they are Tzeentchian, and Tzeentch is a manipulator; many who believe they are serving one god or one cause or another ultimately find they are serving the Weaver of Fates unwittingly. Perhaps their manipulation is subtle; political rather than occult, or perhaps your sorcerers have simply mentally dominated them into submission.


Alternatively, simply model the units you wish to use as allies as something Tzeentch or "Thousand Sons" like. Just because the majority of the legion were transformed into automata, it doesn't mean there isn't wiggle room for companies of Thousand Sons to be off planet, lost in the Warp, the Webway; cast throughout the material universe or some freaky alternate dimension. Considering the nature of the Thousand Sons, potentially anything could have happened to them, either by accident or design.

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