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I'm quite new to 40k (about a month) and I have some questions:


- I'm building a terminator squad, and I want at least one chainfist and one power lance in the unit for modelling purposes. now I wonder what to do with the rest of the squad, I guess go assault-ish but how? is a reaper a point-effective weapon?


-in general, what power weapons are good for terminators? ( and why?)


- is it better to deepstrike a unit of obliterators or deploy them? I've done both so far but I don't know...


- is there any fluff to be found about the magma hounds (former knights excelsior) other than the short piece in the codex?




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- I'm building a terminator squad, and I want at least one chainfist and one power lance in the unit for modelling purposes. now I wonder what to do with the rest of the squad, I guess go assault-ish but how? is a reaper a point-effective weapon?


Reaper is probably a decent weapon if you are walking them up the field, however, if you equip them for assault why spend points on a weapon you will probably only fire once or twice? I'd prefer to take the heavy flamer or combi weapons on terminators.


-in general, what power weapons are good for terminators? ( and why?)


A good mix is, er, good. Axes are cheap ap2 weapons, though slow your initiative, power swords will cut through power armour (of which there is generally a lot off) and mauls raise your str nicely but are only ap4. It depends on what sort of gap you are using them to fill, and what you expect to send them against.


- is it better to deepstrike a unit of obliterators or deploy them? I've done both so far but I don't know...


I find that both methods of deployment have their place, sometimes you will want to walk them up the field taking long range shots, other times 1 unit deep striking in can win the game if at the right time. This all depends on your playing style, opponent, mission and terrain.


- is there any fluff to be found about the magma hounds (former knights excelsior) other than the short piece in the codex?


No idea about these, no fluff apart from the short piece in the codex sorry


Welcome to chaos!

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Official rule book rules say to look at the weapon and than decide what it is.

Now if you take this by the word and make swiss knife thingy of it, than you can just choose what type of power weapon youre using each round, but that would take some skill in modelling and some wont take it seriously.


And now the serious stuff.


I would reconsider the lance thing, its kind of situational in its use, its stronger on the charge as it counts as a spear, but if you are being charged or the fight takes to the next round you will be stuck with a weakened power weapon that fails at killing (personal experience). Instead go for a halberd/axe (closest best thing to lance) or a sword, those 2 are the options you want in case of a terminator.


I rather have my oblits on the table for maximum shooting, thats just me.


Magma hounds dont ring a bell (nor knights excelsior), i think you have to do with the small piece in the dex. Maybe google will be more helpfull.

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Terminators can't use powerlances.


Edit: Or can they? I could've sworn I read somewhere that a model had to be mounted (i.e Bike or Cavalry) in order to wield powerlances, but I can't find it.

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I think nurglez makes some good points.


The important thing to do is first, determine what role you want your Terminators to play. Are they going to be an assault element? Shooting element? Or a hybrid of both (jack of all trades, master of none). Anti-armor ability?


If assault, you definitely want assault geared weapons. Will they be focusing on Terminators? If so, you may want some combi-plasmas and power axes. Will they be built to take out normal marines? If so, lightning claws, and power swords along with maybe a heavy flamer would be ideal. Do you want them to take on horde/blob type units? Power swords, mauls, claws, heavy and combi flamers, and plasmas. Maybe mix in a power fist or chainfist or two in case you run in to armor you want to destroy.


If they are to be more shooty oriented you might want the Reaper Autocannon and combi-bolters. Maybe a powerfist just in case.


Hybrid do-it-all unit? All combi-Plasmas, power swords, and either a powerfist and/or chainfist.


Don't forget the marks! Slaanesh/Assault units are great with lightning claws, power swords and mauls. Nurgle/Hybrid unit would be great with all combi-plasma/power axes and a powerfist/chainfist.


Just my two cents. Experiment with proxies and see what works best with your other supporting units.

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I typically run a 5 man squad with 2 mauls, 1 dual set of LC, either 3 combi weapons (plasma or melta depending on what I think I'll need that day) or 2 combi's and a heavy flamer, and 2 fists to just punch any tank that doesn't get out of my way. I use them as a bully squad to just beat up anyone smaller than me (assault marines, tacticals, etc.) I keep them far away from any deathstar unit. Used properly, the enemy will eventually try and hunt down this squad with their own epic deathstar, keeping the rest of my army safe.


It might not be the best loadout but its worked wonders for me, and after they've eaten a squad people suddenly fear them like they were hammernators.

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thx for the replies :P

@ spacefrisian: I've already converted one with a lance, and i'm gonna take it surely :P

about the swiss knife thingy, which sounds interesting, shouldn't they have to use the same weap the entire battle anyway?


@ nurglez: about the heavy flamer, wouldn't that be worthless if you scatter when deepstriking? or is deepstrike a bad idea anyway... :P


@ scoobyshag: good points, but about the marks: the nurgle mark is very tempting (it works wonders for oblits) but khorne seems to be a nice bonus for the price. especcially with a landraider... ;)


and a last question about something kinda different: there is a 500 pt league in our LGS, and there is this guy who takes an executioner (IG) in his list. the tank with 14/13/10 and five plasma cannons (or something like that). it totally killed me last time. what strategy is good here?

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Swiss knive as in the switching parts is the hard part of the conversion, and if you switch to the weapon of choice each round than you could use what it looks like, just as the big rulebook says.


I see. That would be one hell of a loophole if it wasn't so hard to do the conversion :P


edit: typo's

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- I'm building a terminator squad, and I want at least one chainfist and one power lance in the unit for modelling purposes. now I wonder what to do with the rest of the squad, I guess go assault-ish but how?
With a LR and Abaddon, not that viable really, otherwise don't bother with CC focused terminators. We do not have Stormshields or Thunderhammers.


is a reaper a point-effective weapon?
Yes - if you use it to wreck light transports, which you really shouldn't be using Terminators for if you can help it.


-in general, what power weapons are good for terminators? ( and why?)
That entirely depends on your local scene. Here I do quite well with 1 fist, 1 chainfist, a maul, and LCs.


- is it better to deepstrike a unit of obliterators or deploy them? I've done both so far but I don't know...
It depends on the mission and how badly you want to remove an enemy unit/vehicle. Generally speaking however, do not deepstrike Oblits, you want them firing from Turn 1.


- is there any fluff to be found about the magma hounds (former knights excelsior) other than the short piece in the codex?
Not that I know of.


and a last question about something kinda different: there is a 500 pt league in our LGS, and there is this guy who takes an executioner (IG) in his list. the tank with 14/13/10 and five plasma cannons (or something like that). it totally killed me last time. what strategy is good here?
Oblits, Havocs or Melta Bikers/Raptors.



My 2 Kraks

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and a last question about something kinda different: there is a 500 pt league in our LGS, and there is this guy who takes an executioner (IG) in his list. the tank with 14/13/10 and five plasma cannons (or something like that). it totally killed me last time. what strategy is good here?


A land raider? Alternatively, derpstriking obliterators or combi-melta terminators.


In terms of Termie loadout, Ive heard an equal mix of axes and swords work well, and I can't see how it wouldn't. The odd mace may double up on tank huntin duty.


TBH, you could gear your termies with swords to deal with AP3, and combi plasma to deal with AP2, and that would work quite well.

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your taking a flying DP with nurgle mace power armor . plasma templates can snap fire so unless he hits you with 18+lasguns in a turn you should be safe . most armies at 500pts are unable to kill a nurgle DP specialy when he goes biomancy and boosts his own stats . troops should be cheap cultists units. hide them .
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I'm quite new to 40k (about a month) and I have some questions:


- I'm building a terminator squad, and I want at least one chainfist and one power lance in the unit for modelling purposes. now I wonder what to do with the rest of the squad, I guess go assault-ish but how? is a reaper a point-effective weapon?

I don't like reapers myself and typically only use Terminators as assault troops. Deep strike, shoot something up with combi-weapons, then get into position to charge something else. I don't need a reaper for that, and would probably take a heavy flamer before I went that route.


-in general, what power weapons are good for terminators? ( and why?)

Axes for destroying tanks, mauls for facing MEQ+ units, swords for everything else. Bringing a combination means you are prepared for anything, the 2+ save is going to keep your Terminators around for a while.


- is it better to deepstrike a unit of obliterators or deploy them? I've done both so far but I don't know...

Depends. I do it all the time, typically against armies with heavy AV. I don't mind using them for termicide so long as they can go for a couple rounds, they are just so good at popping tanks it's crazy.


I imagine they would not fare very well against large troop armies, however. My rule is to DS when facing mech, come in on the board any other time.


- is there any fluff to be found about the magma hounds (former knights excelsior) other than the short piece in the codex?

None that I know of.

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your taking a flying DP with nurgle mace power armor . plasma templates can snap fire so unless he hits you with 18+lasguns in a turn you should be safe . most armies at 500pts are unable to kill a nurgle DP specialy when he goes biomancy and boosts his own stats . troops should be cheap cultists units. hide them .


great idea, but sadly I don't have a DP model :( I'll just go for my oblits next time :huh:


could someone clarify what 'MEQ' units are? I'm new with the term...

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Axes for destroying tanks, mauls for facing MEQ+ units, swords for everything else. Bringing a combination means you are prepared for anything, the 2+ save is going to keep your Terminators around for a while.

Umm. I'd say for TEq axes or fists, for MEq anything with AP2-3 and for destroying tanks fists/chainfists or at a stretch mauls, as S5 axes won't do that well against tanks. Mauls are great against stuff like Orks (except Mega Armor, of course) or most Eldar / Dark Eldar.

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