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Khorne Army


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Hi guys,


I am currently building up a World Eaters army and using mark of khorne for my CSM troops and whatnot. But I was curious to know since I'm building or chose a Chapter that is dedicated to one chaos god, did I limit myself to my whole Chaos army selection? I wanna know because I do want Plague Marines or Sorcerors or anything else that's not just dedicated to just the Blood God. I do want to branch out and use other models that dedicate to one of the other gods because I like what they do but I dunno if I can attach them to my World Eaters because of "Fluff confliction".


That's all I need to know before I can start looking at other models. Thanks guys!



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Well you kind of answered your own question. I mean there are no rules against taking Khorne troops and a sorc or having different cults within the same army, it's just a fluff "restriction" and fluff is kind of what you make of it. If you really want a pure World Eaters or Khornate chapter army then you should indeed exclude sorcs and other cults/marks, if you don't really care or are playing a Chaos Undecided type force then go crazy. Also, although all Chaos gods hate each other, Khorne and Nurgle hate each other the least so a pact between Khorne worshippers and plague marines could actually make some fluff sense, also Khorne marines are known to essentially act as mercenaries attaching themselves to the armies of various Chaos lords so you could do something along those lines too.
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Thanks Rain! That helped me out quite a bit. I just wanted to keep painting World eaters but still can buy other marks of Chaos gods or mono-god dedicated models. I like the colour theme and fluff of the World Eaters but still want to expand my whole Chaos force and just curious if I can do that. I just don't wanna battle someone who is fluff-crazy and start telling me what I did to my army is wrong. But I suppose that it is my army and I can do whatever I want with it. :)



Thanks man!




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Just because Khorne hates magic doesn't mean you Chaos Lord wouldn't employ a Sorcerer or even Noise Marines. There are plenty of reasons that a Lord would have troops he didn't really like fight for him.


Besides if they died he wouldn't have to pay them.

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Going on from Rain's point, during the Siege of Vraks, there were a bunch of warbands fighting together, Undivided, Khorne and Nurgle, and the original Alpha Legion commander ceded theatre control to a Khorne warlord, who thus controlled elements that didn't worship his God.
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There are at least visual ways around it as well - want some Plague Marines? Just have a bunch of Marines with lots of bionics and so forth; the extra toughness can merely represent incoming fire bouncing off augmetic limbs instead of hitting the fleshy bits.
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  • 1 month later...

Exactly... the real question is do you want those units in for their rules, or their official fluff? Do you want a 'mono-god' theme, or a 'council of adversaries'?


Both are totally reasonable. In either case, though, some semblance of a rationale helps you engage with the army... I love coming up with these little narratives.


If you go to the length of converting individual units to have 'abilities' in line with other Marks, even Cults, then no self-respecting player will refuse to play them.


All this being said, I personally think that buying, say, 1ksons and painting them to fit the red of the army is not ideal. In this case, I'd just paint them for what they are and assume that the Warlord has somehow secured their services. There's no such thing as Khorne Thousand Sons...


If you wanted 1ksons RULES, but not actual 1k Sons, just convert the dudes to have magical bolters and give them some kind of massive glyphs or something that give them ward saves...


Even Slaanesh - +1 Initiaive (and potentially FnP) fit just fine for a more proud, skilled, and determined Khornate marine... I know that's what I gave my possessed.




The Good Doctor.

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