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Psychic Powers = Special Rules?


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In the CSM codex, the Slaanesh power "Symphony of Pain" malediction says (verbatim):


Whilst this power is in effect, that unit is at -1 WS and -1 BS.


So the obvious question is that since Snap Shots are BS1, does this power make that unit BS Zero? Hence would not be able to fire Overwatch or shoot at Flyers?



EDIT: Oh my god. Staring me in the face right in the FAQ.


Q: Can the BS1 of a Snap Shot ever be modified by special rules that modify the BS of a model’s Shooting attack (such as Tau markerlights, Space Marine Signums or Sergeant Telion’s Voice of Experience)? (p13)

A: No.



So wait, does this mean Foreboding power from Divination does nothing? Or is it simply Special Rules cannot modify Snap Shot BS, but Psychic Powers can?

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A Snap Shot is always a Snap Shot, hit on "6".
This is not true. A Snap Shot is resolved at BS1. No wording anywhere exists that says 'only hits on 6.'


The Divination power Foreboding modifies Overwatch, not Snap Shot. Therefore it works fine.
This is very true, excellently spotted Thank You.


So the final hitch is whether a Psychic Power is the same thing as a Special Rule. Not trying to be intentionally trolling- I feel the distinction is important. Special Rules may not affect the BS of a Snap Shot. If Psychic Power =/= Special Rule, then we have a problem.


Fortunately there is no problem. I've found my own answer on Page 68 under "Malediction":


They weaken Enemies by reducing their characteristics OR inflicting penalising special rules (emphasis mine)... bonuses and penalties cannot take characteristics above 10 or below 1.


So I have my answer for Symphony of Pain.



In order to re-purpose the thread, my other question is still not answered: Are Psychic Powers considered Special Rules?


For example, if a Psychic Power Blessing provided +1 BS (hypothetically-- no such power exists yet), then would a Unit resolve Overwatch at BS2? I believe they would.

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I wouldn't t think so as over watch is always resolved at bs 1, it seems implied that you can t modify over watch in any way it s always bs 1 as it modifies Te existing bs maybe best to think of it in magic the gathering terms of it always goes at the bottom of the stack and so resolves last negating any gains or loss in bs by setting it to bs 1
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Yea your right, I'm just dense-- there's a million posts already which hash through multiple modifiers. Page 2:


1. First apply multiplications or divisions

2. Next apply additions or subtractions

3. Last, apply Set Values


So if you use Enfeeble on a Marine with a Power Fist, he is Strength 7.


Ugh, see this is what happens when you post with insomnia... in the future I'll wait for the next morning to post. :D

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