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So, after much contemplating I have decided to make a Thousand Sons army out of my poor lonely unpainted 5-man Thousand Son squad(one model painted so far, with the old discontinued colours!). You have to start something, so I have ordered more Mk III armours from FW, and disassembled my old unpainted Thousand Sons...



But what should I take in my list?


I am aiming for two MoT sorcerers, one might or might not be Ahriman. Spawns, cultists and Tzeentch daemon allies are also in the planning stages. But what else? A drake perhaps, or two maybe. Termies? Predators? Do I take rhinos for my squads? Lots of questions, and not enough answers...yet...



More to come...

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Well first we need to know what limits are you setting for yourself?


Purest of the pure as 1ksons lists go is characterswith the MoT + Rubrics + vehicles + Tzeentch daemons... I would also say cultists and spawn are fair game.


This can then be expanded to anything with the MoT if you wish? So what are you going for? Do you have a particular play style?

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My general playstyle is fast and flexible. I mount stuff in rhinos, give them tools to handle various situations. Bikers, drakes, and so on. Classic Alpha Legion stuff, come at them from all possible angles...and a few impossible ones!


I was thinking of two rubric squads, two sorcerer HQs with bio/tp powers to buff everything up regularly, some spawns, cultist mobs. Daemon allies are of course including screamers and flamers, horrors are a must and I am thinking of a nice and cheap herald of Tzeentch. After that I'm at a loss, I think I could come up with some nice possessed conversions, but we'll see(overcosted is a theme in a TS army, hehe)...


Basically I haven't played Thousand Sons since 2nd edition, where they could have special/heavy weapons and died in droves every psychic phase. It will be good to get back into the saddle again, but I don't know what to take in a purist Thousand Sons list.


Here is three of my old 2nd ed Thousand Sons:



Lovely chaps, all metal and insanely expensive. I don't remember where I got all that money from really...


They are a bit different from the one I did a few months back as a test, the one I'm basing my army on really:


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oooh, that looks really nice, if I may say so.


Fast and flexible - now that slow and purposeful is no longer a movement penalty, and there's still rhino's of course, the fast shouldn't be a problem. The flexible, however... 1ksons do tend to have problems with that.


One of your main points would be to have something to hit back in close combat, though possibly sorcerors with biomancy may do the trick (I actually field an unmarked sorceror with an icon of corruption - same invulnerable save as ahriman, but isn't forced to roll on the Tzeentch spell list, as I have aspiring sorcerors and ahriman for that already). failing that, cultists blobs made fearless through an added character and thousand sons are pretty good tarpits.


The other point is some anti-tank. While doombolt can fulfill that role, you can't count on rolling it, and thus have to get your anti-tank from elsewhere. Tanks are good for this, and I believe the Tzeentch daemons have got that covered pretty well too.

Other options, as always, are the old obliterator counts-as trick: Sorcerors in terminator armour shooting out a large variety of damage spells for which there is no psychic test and no deny the witch.

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Predators and vindicators are your friend, terminators with mark of tzeentch just because of the amount of firepower they can take, Rhinos are not essential, but useful with havok launchers and warpflame gargoyles, the banner of the flame is just way too pricy for what it does though.
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I have decided to switch to Tzeentch Daemons as the primary force with Thousand Sons as allies because I would far rather have the option of more than one unit of screamers than have more than two units of Thousand Sons.

Indeed, but I have always loved Thousand Sons, their history, their philosophy, their imagery. I've been a CSM player since 2nd ed and will be in the future as well. Allies are awesome, and I love that they are in! Screamers and Flamers are a given in the list, as said above, it's unfortunate that I can only have one squad of each, but that's life...


Predators and vindicators are your friend, terminators with mark of tzeentch just because of the amount of firepower they can take, Rhinos are not essential, but useful with havok launchers and warpflame gargoyles, the banner of the flame is just way too pricy for what it does though.

Hmm, it would be a perfect time to include some vindis in my army. Never had any before! ;) Termies with MoT is what I have on my list as well, but how would I need to equip them really. I assume that my list has a weakness when it comes to transports and fliers so a reaper? I would love to include some cataphract suits in my list, hehehe...hehehehehehe...droooool...


How are you folks opinions on the allied Daemon HQ? I was thinking of a chariot herald with wind, would that work?

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Well, I just tried out the new colours with my old colour scheme. Turns out they work well!


Old GW colours on the left, new GW colours on the right:


Practically no difference!


Now they are finally getting finished! ;)

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Cultists are superb for accompanying Thousand Sons units; they serve superbly as back up in assault, and for protecting your expensive Thousand Sons from unwanted charges. They also gain some minor benefit from the Mark of Tzeentch, in that they actually get a save from it, whereas most of the time they simply wont.


Daemon engines: Heldrakes are useful in any army, but for Thousand Sons, they actually help to make up for some of the innate weaknesses if the Thousand Sons, in that they can be used to systematically harass and wittle down nasty, assault based units that can do you some damage, or the masses of small arms fire that might otherwise do your dusty chaps some disservice. Forgefiends serve in a similar role; use them to mow down masses of small arms fire toting imagery with their Hades cannons, or blat the big guys with ecotplasma.


Allies: Daemons of Tzeentch are superb allies for Thousand Sons; they add alot of armour piercing firepower, and can either distract from your Thousand Sons whilst they mow down choicer targets from mid to long range, or back them up as mobile defence, picking on whatever comes too close or focuses too intently on them.


My regular opponent uses Tzeentchian forces quite regularly, and, allied with daemons, they are superb; my Slaaneshi Severed Angels have a hard, hard time against them, especially since half the time, their bog basic fire power doesn't allow for armour saves.

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I have decided to switch to Tzeentch Daemons as the primary force with Thousand Sons as allies because I would far rather have the option of more than one unit of screamers than have more than two units of Thousand Sons.


Unfortunately, Thousand Sons can't be troops in an allies detachment, so you are limited to 1 at best.

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Yeah, Master of Rubricae requires the Sorcerer to be in the Primary Detachment. Otherwise at 2k+ you could have four Elites choices as troops instead (If you have Abaddon, + Tz Sorcerer, +2 Lords with MoK, MoS or MoN, or some other combination of the above).
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Yeah, Master of Rubricae requires the Sorcerer to be in the Primary Detachment. Otherwise at 2k+ you could have four Elites choices as troops instead (If you have Abaddon, + Tz Sorcerer, +2 Lords with MoK, MoS or MoN, or some other combination of the above).


You can still do that, as at 2000+ pts you can have 2 primary detachments. So one w/ abby and Tz sorceror, one w/ the 2 marked lords, and have the units in their respective detachments be troops. You just can't have allied detachment cult units as troops.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have finally completed the sorcerer convetion I started in 2nd edition...





Just a bit of GS left now...

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Old GW colours on the left, new GW colours on the right:


Practically no difference!


Now they are finally getting finished! :)


What are the GW colours are you using? Been thinking about starting a TKSons army myself and I like the look of that guy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, my sorcerer is headless again...it will take some time before I find the perfect head for him...


But I'm trying to figure out a list I want to take to a tournament @1750p.


What i want is the following:


*2 of Ahriman, Sorcerer in termie armour and sorcerer on a disc

*At least two squads of sons

*two min squads of cultists

*two drakes






But as it is now, I'm about 100p over my limit and it feels like I have too much I still want to put into it.


The twin sorcerers, infiltration, daemons and drakes are the key to the list and I plan on using biomancy on Ahriman and telepathy on the other sorcerer...depending on what i roll ofc. Screamers and flamers with endurance and giving invisibility to two units per turn feels like fun! ;)


Unfortunately at the moment, I feel like the terminators don't have a spot in my army. Too bad though, they are the perfect followers of ahriman! :blink:


I've made some sons, but my camera is broken...

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Within those boundaries I'd take the jetbike sorc, the extra toughness, speed and turbo boost save are all useful. I think the list lacks something in the ranged anti-tank department, you've got a lot of anti-infantry firepower that's likely to go to waste if the enemy is cowering in rhinos. Something with some range that can start popping metal boxes in turn one would be useful I feel.
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I think the list lacks something in the ranged anti-tank department, you've got a lot of anti-infantry firepower that's likely to go to waste if the enemy is cowering in rhinos.
Yup, I totally agree! Though because I don't want to have vehicles in the list I'm stuck with oblits for that role, and if I do take vehicles after all, I need to be getting rhinos for my troops as well and then I could get dreads too, but then the points are going nowhere but up up up up up! :lol:


When making the list I think that the actual sons squads is a neccesary evil that I have to take, the sorcerers, drakes and daemons are what I need to take for the list to be viable though.



Things to consider for me points-wise: remove the second sorcerer, remove one drake, reduce the number of daemons...

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Have you considered auto-havocs? Screamers are great at opening up, well, everything, but you lose time getting them into position. You only need something that will reliably open rhinos and other low AV vehicles, higher stuff can be left to screamers, flamers and doombolt. That way your horrors and thousand sons don't spend ages with nothing to do.


Thousand Sons aren't great, they're too costly compared to the later 5th ed. codexes or other chaos codex choices. They do however, kill PA rather well. If you infiltrate a telepathy sorcerer and a squad of sons 18" away from the enemy and then open up a rhino with another unit, you can wipe the squad that pours out in a turn of fire. Personally I can't wait to see what Forgeworld do with the Thousand Sons (hopefully something better than we got with Chaos) but they're not worthless, just expensive and narrow in scope compared to other choices.

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Just had fun with a lvl 3 sorcerer in a 1000pts against eldar with telepathy and tzeentch, rolled up firestorm, terrify and shriek.

Terrify was hilarious, as on the second turn I cast terrify on oen of his 20 man guardian squads who promptly roll a 5 and a 6 for their leadership, and then run back 11 inches, whilst my guys shoot them.

Next turn they rally, move back forward and shoot. I then cast terrify and get the exact same effect as the previous turn, they then rally again, move forward and next turn my sorcerer causes them to flee again, just after my mate had said "if I get another 5 and a 6..." and the my sorcerer charges the remains of the other guardian squad, challenges the farserr, squishes him and then rolls daemonic ascension. :huh:

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