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Maybe I should give 'ole Ahriman a bodyguard of two oblits. That should open up stuff...


...now if only he had divination... :)



Btw RPR, that was one awesome sorcerer! :)

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Oblits are good and more versatile on the tabletop than havoks (albeit more expensive) but not as a bodyguard I feel. You want them to hang in your backfield shooting autocannons and lascannons at things, and plasmering dudes who get too close. Most of the powers you'll roll for Ahriman are going to require him to be in midfield. I'd stick him with a big ol' group of culteests. Lots of bodies for cover and he gives them fearless.


And yes, Ahriman should totally have gotten divination as part of his package (Hell I'd have given him pick from every BGB discipline).

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I would argue that Oblts are much better at mid-range, which would compliment Ahriman.


Seriously, most Oblit weapons are best at 24" as that covers the Multi-melta and the twin linked Plasma guns. If you want to use them as Long ranged attackers you need to be at the 36" mark because they only have one 48" weapon (lascannons) that I'm aware of. If you run them further back you will struggle to keep people in range of their weapons when you have to switch between their guns every turn...

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Looking good, Excessus :huh: Got any more Thousand Son models on the way?



Thanx Ludo! Yeah, I got a few sons in various phases of the production stage, but my cellphone/camera broke down so I can't take pictures of them yet. :P



The other day I had an idea though. Since I am going for Biomancy spells primarily on my "Ahriman" I imagine it's the Magister Templi of the Cult of Pavoni, Hathor Maat(who was still alive when Ahriman cast his rubric spell at least, and I can't imagine a powerful sorcerer like that being a rubric...) and will convert a model accordingly...somehow. I have some ideas that I'm tossing around in my head so we'll see how he turns out...

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The other day I had an idea though. Since I am going for Biomancy spells primarily on my "Ahriman" I imagine it's the Magister Templi of the Cult of Pavoni, Hathor Maat

That sounds great; I love seeing interpretations of characters with a lot of fluff behind them- it gives a lot of artistic licence.

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Looking good, Excessus :) Got any more Thousand Son models on the way?



Thanx Ludo! Yeah, I got a few sons in various phases of the production stage, but my cellphone/camera broke down so I can't take pictures of them yet. :P



The other day I had an idea though. Since I am going for Biomancy spells primarily on my "Ahriman" I imagine it's the Magister Templi of the Cult of Pavoni, Hathor Maat(who was still alive when Ahriman cast his rubric spell at least, and I can't imagine a powerful sorcerer like that being a rubric...) and will convert a model accordingly...somehow. I have some ideas that I'm tossing around in my head so we'll see how he turns out...

May be an idea to wait for FW to do the thousand sons, hopefully we will start to see more SC and legion specific stuff now the basics are out of the way.

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I hope so too, although I imagine we'll have to wait for the 'fallen' version of the sons for the re-write of Rubrics. I imagine the loyalist thousand sons will have Scarab Occult terminators and Hidden One scouts as thier unique units and legion rules allowing you to give units a mastery level in a BGB psychic discipline of their choice, maybe using that 'unit of sorcerers' rule (I forget the exact name - the one GKs have) to represent most having some level of ability.


I imagine we won't see any substantial individual change to the Legion army list in whatever book the Sons are in, just an appendix of their special rules and a couple of SCs and Units (and Magnus). I would imagine each book will have an expansion to the main list (Robot maniples seem likely for the Sons book) and elements/lists for other armies as a core part of the book (Forces of the Emperor seems a likely target for Prospero - so Custodes and Sisters of Silence - and maybe something for the Spireguard).

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<-- Begins to wonder if he should paint his rubrics in this colour scheme:




I like the slow change of colour in their armour, like it's done by Tzeentch and not really by themselves...

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Hathor Maat is the boss of the Pavoni, a healer(when he doesn't boil his opponents blood ofc) and a master of human and transhuman biology(as he must be to be a healer). With the post-rubric geneseed being stable(as per Ahriman's newish fluff in the codex) there shouldn't be a problem for him, perhaps with some help from fabulous bill, to recruit into his non-rubric astartes ranks, a few of all the gifted acolytes he comes across on his travels. But what colour would their armour be in? Blue, due to their new alignment, or red as a homage to the history and legacy of the thousand sons? Or perhaps changing from red to blue like in the image above?

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If you were trying to keep it as 'realistic' as possible it would probably depend on a few things:

1) Are the recruiting other Space Marines (the come equipped with their own Power Armour)?

2) Are they recruiting non-Marines and 'beefing them up' before equipping them with Power Armour that's in the Legion's armouries/ stores?


I mean if it's number 1, then you'd have to find out about how P.A gets coloured in the first place; if it's a case of sending them to the body-shop and getting re-sprayed it would be easy to have them whatever colour you want. If it's number 2, it would be a lot more likely to have been the red of the Pre-Heresy Sons, though there's nothing to say that the inactive armour wouldn't have been changed by Tzeentch along with the active suits, just for teh lolz.


I think it would probably be safest having a blend of the two, as in the picture above though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, with all the plasma in the new Dark Angels codex, I renewed my TS effort a bit...still slow as ever though...








I have tried out some new basing stuff, and the guy in the middle is my first ever attempt at making a loincloth from greenstuff!


...arms next for the slowest project ever!

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Question: How would you go about painting armour like in the Ahriman image above, slowly going from red to blue?


I have started experimenting on it but so far nothing looks good enough... :(

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Good idea! I need to buy hairspray!


Also, I had some spare time on my hands a while ago and made an Ad-mech obliterator...



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I have decided to switch to Tzeentch Daemons as the primary force with Thousand Sons as allies because I would far rather have the option of more than one unit of screamers than have more than two units of Thousand Sons.

Indeed, but I have always loved Thousand Sons, their history, their philosophy, their imagery. I've been a CSM player since 2nd ed and will be in the future as well. Allies are awesome, and I love that they are in! Screamers and Flamers are a given in the list, as said above, it's unfortunate that I can only have one squad of each, but that's life...

Predators and vindicators are your friend, terminators with mark of tzeentch just because of the amount of firepower they can take, Rhinos are not essential, but useful with havok launchers and warpflame gargoyles, the banner of the flame is just way too pricy for what it does though.

Hmm, it would be a perfect time to include some vindis in my army. Never had any before! smile.gif Termies with MoT is what I have on my list as well, but how would I need to equip them really. I assume that my list has a weakness when it comes to transports and fliers so a reaper? I would love to include some cataphract suits in my list, hehehe...hehehehehehe...droooool...

How are you folks opinions on the allied Daemon HQ? I was thinking of a chariot herald with wind, would that work?

Hello (and happy new year, though a bit late)!

Been a while since I visited the forum now (akward new layout :/ )I just felt like contributing and add that if the choice is between vidicators and predators (tri las variant is a good choice imo), then I would choose the predators (I have two daemoncally possessed vidis in my own TS force, but in truth, despite the sexy template, Tri-Las Predators and Obliterators are really more functional and trustworthy) or if you can afford them (depending on the rest of your list and how many points it is supposed to be), obliterators.

As for drakes in a TS force, with the new FAQ changes, the much maligned "Hellchicken" (i always liked it, though I don`t yet own one sadly enough) is now undisputably a good choice with Baleflamer now being 360 degrees as far as I understand it (Turret mounted weapon), and no cover against those vector strikes. Given its toughness due to its flier nature, I would say that it would rather perfectly compliment a Thousand Sons force (and most others IMO).


As for drakes in a TS force, with the new FAQ changes, the much maligned "Hellchicken" (i always liked it, though I don`t yet own one sadly enough) is now undisputably a good choice with Baleflamer now being 360 degrees as far as I understand it (Turret mounted weapon), and no cover against those vector strikes. Given its toughness due to its flier nature, I would say that it would rather perfectly compliment a Thousand Sons force (and most others IMO).

Ps. Wonderful minis :)

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:D I used springs to make my mechatendrils. No idea where they came from, but they're the right size to wrap around a paperclip bent into the right shape, give the 'ribbed' look and because they snap out straight if not shaped or bent by something, I can fold them inwards to pack her away.
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Not sure they would really do anything though. They will be non-scoring due to the lack of a Slaanesh Lord, and the blastmaster will be a bit redundant if you have a drake, or two.


What you lack in a TS list is not AP3 weapons... ;)

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