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But long range S:8 ones, or ones that ignore cover.

And on Helldrakes, they are not the bee all and end all of our codex, yes they are powerfull, but the rest is not so bad as to need them as a crutch yet. Also, they are an expensive model, and one that is not exactly a beauty (or at least not a £40+ worth beauty)/. Whilst helldrakes/helldrakes count as can be argued to fit in the theme of thousand sons much better then the Heldrake, their are also good fluffy reasons why they would fight alongside the sons of prospero as well.

I really, really don't like how tactics for chaos seem to be "The only way is helldrakes" whilst the idea is cool (loved spyro as a kid) the stock model I find, unimpressive, though I do have a few ideas for counts as models (including a aircraft that looks like the love child of the klingon warbird and the space marine land speeder :P

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Well, it's true that many people talk about the drake, but for a reason. The 360 degree baleflamer is insane really, and since our main troops are so expensive, we are forced to seek out the more economic options in the other slots to make it all go together. The drake is one of those options...


We can compare the drake to a 10-man unit with 2 blastmasters. Both ignore cover so they are equal there, but where the drake has lower strength on it's hit, it has more of them. Against vehicles/MCs the S7 AP3 vector strike has 2-4 automatic hits with no cover save available(including jink) and can hit fliers. The blastmasters can't hit fliers with their blasts, have a higher strength but hit front armour most likely(where drake hits the side) and has fewer(2) hits. Anti infantry then, the blastmasters have two small blasts that wounds on 2+ with no save possible, the drake has a template that wounds on 2+ with no saves possible(well, against MEQ at least) so they are pretty much equal. Survivability then? The noise marines die to regular weapons just like any other infantry, but the drake requires specialized weapons to be hit and killed, making it much more survivable(generally speaking). Neither slots(elites or fast attack) are filled up in our lists, so they have nothing to compete with there, but in one mission the drake is scoring, the noise marines needs a special HQ to be scoring.


Comparing the noise marines to other units that do similar jobs, terminators with plasma for instance. More survivable and harder-hitting, the terminators have what our list lacks and noise marines doesn't give that well...AP2(plasma) and/or anti-tank(melta)! With Ahriman infiltrating, they end up really close up and personal to your opponents. For the same price as a 10-man squad you can get two helbrutes if you are going vehicle heavy, which are more durable and versatile.



Noise marines are good, really good, but they needs to be taken as troops to be effective, or rather, are effective because they are troops...

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Because I've been thinking of taking a single squad of noise marines as support/allies for my Thousand sons, the anti cover shooting is much appreciated, especially against tau with hammerheads that always have a 2+ cover save (shudders).

How have people found cultists? I'd go go unmarked (mark of tzeentch is only good on terminators, possessed and dubiously on HQ's, plus how would cultists got Tzeentch's attention in the first place?), but as I'd proberbly go for autoguns and flamers, possibly behind a defence line with lascannon, possibly even with a sorcerer, they would not be that cheap.

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Aaaanyway, back on topic!

There are no wolves on fenris:


(the leader of my warband is an old Heresy Pavoni sorcerer after all, warp experiments with captive SW should be his favorite past time... biggrin.png )

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I used VC vargheist/crypt horror bodies with chaos warhound heads with some extra tentacly and spikyness that's a bit hard to see in the picture(and ofc Greenstuff, I just bought some sculpting tools as well!). I have four more to build, they are on a 40mm base and will be played as spawns! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Cute!!! Have you had any luck with using them as spawn?

Considering I'm planning an anubis like daemon prince, and am using an old GW werewolf model for a familar, a wolf spawn would have a certain amount of Irony....

And for some reason am thinking a lion headed Daemon prince may be an idea as well :P

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Unfortunately my TS list is still to have it's virginity taken from it, but in my mind they are awesome... :)


In other news, progress! Squad #01







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Thanks guys.


Yeah, I never did like the static look they had as standard, it just felt...wrong. I've always thought the Mk III looked sooo intimidating(much much more massive and brutal looking than the chaos armours), so that's where it all started.


RPR, the two Mk II legs are from Kromlech(see pic below) and the two black legs are ironically from the space wolves box(hehe), I have another four pairs waiting to be converted to make the rest of my second squad...though I'm only going to use three of them. I'll save the last ones for something else...



All sprayed black and the brushes are ready...time to do some painting! :D

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Well, the painting has started. First out are my two Dark Mechanicus magi:






The robes turned out very red in the images, they are a bit darker and grittyer in reality. I suck at taking pictures...

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Those are cool Heretechs, do they count as obliterators?

Yes indeed they do, they are going to get two forgefiend "friends" as well down the road... :)



Hmm, how good would you say Kromlech are for payment, shipping and quality ect? Those legs are nice, and guess which bit I am missing from being able to make some thousand sons from my bits box...

Kromlech uses ebay to manage their store and payment goes through there as well. Quality and shipping was good and fast when I ordered at least. I had no problems with them...but it is my only time ordering from them myself. They are however very big on the market and hava a ton of bitz, I doubt they would trick you.

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Mmm, it's going to be something...but I haven't decided what yet...


Maybe I'll remove it in the end, it's just a beta-test of him anyway, I have like five arms I am trying out to get a nice pose...and I am unsure as to what weapon to use. I want a staff but I can't find any ornate enough staves...

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Seems like I'm in an self-imposed exile from the Chaos Ascendant forum. The excessive negativity there just isn't my cup of tea...


Anyway, woof woof!


Fetch boy, fetch!





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