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Some sort of...thing...


It's included in the sprue for the vargheists and there is no alternative. Luckily there is something that looks like a Black Templar mark on it...and I just realized that I have forgotten to paint it black properly, oops! :P

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Dammit, why did you paint and model those wolf spaw so brilliantly?  Now I want to try and makes some! And I've got essays, and other models to finish, and  astudent bank aco:cuss that is getting towards the term.... :P

They are awesome!

And I agree with the negativity on the chaos ascendant, but I can see where they are coming from, but even still I think they are pushing it a bit far..

I wonder how wolf spawn look in orange, blue, yellow and or pink....

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IMO they are pushing way too far. Few people there even try to debate various tactics or builds. But sure, I am dissapointed with a lot of stuff as well, but...Whineseer is supposed to be the haven for the 16 year old whiners but sometimes I think there is no difference between the user groups (B and C used to be so awesome compared to whineseer) here and there anymore. Seems when a dex isn\t a broken/overpowered Mat Ward dex, then all hell is loose these days...

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Bleh. Forget the codexes.


Black Library clearly favours the Changer of Ways, what with Ahriman: Exile, Death of Antagonis and Van Horstman all being primarily about Tzeentchian influences. It feels like we're finally getting some recognition on the literary front.

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Bleh. Forget the codexes.


Black Library clearly favours the Changer of Ways, what with Ahriman: Exile, Death of Antagonis and Van Horstman all being primarily about Tzeentchian influences. It feels like we're finally getting some recognition on the literary front.

wise girl. One probably should (even though I am still quite surprised at the level of negativity concerning the new daemons, barring the awful tzeentch warpflame rule of course).


Ahriman: exile, Death of Antagonis and Van Horstman. Not read those. Care to give a short review Miko ?

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I reviewed the Ahriman book here


I'm about two thirds of the way through Death of Antagonis now, and it's an enjoyable book with some very well developed characters. Unfortunately, the primary Tzeentchian player isn't especially well fleshed out on a personal level, but his machinations and plans touch everything and you really get a feel for how a Disciple of the Schemer would run an operation. The plot is complex, many-layered, and - even though I started reading wanting to hate the book because of a particular aspect of one of the characters (see: "I am angry" in the Sisters forum) - I found myself really enjoying the writing, the Imperial characters, and the labyrinthine reaches of just how deep the chaos plot goes.


Especially delicious is a scene where the book's primary 'hero' character punches the floor in frustration: "We won! We killed them all! We've won every single battle! SO WHY ARE WE LOSING THE WAR?!"


Xanatos Roulette at its best. 


Sadly, I haven't had a chance to read Van Horstmann yet. it's WHFB, but Van Horstmann is one of Fantasy's iconic "supreme villain" characters. Sadly, he's been replaced in recent editions of the chaos army books by Vilitch the Curseling - mostly because, much like Amon'chakai and Ariel (And, some say, Teclis and Kroak), his powers and influence really lay outside the scope of most battles.

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I reviewed the Ahriman book here

I'm about two thirds of the way through Death of Antagonis now, and it's an enjoyable book with some very well developed characters. Unfortunately, the primary Tzeentchian player isn't especially well fleshed out on a personal level, but his machinations and plans touch everything and you really get a feel for how a Disciple of the Schemer would run an operation. The plot is complex, many-layered, and - even though I started reading wanting to hate the book because of a particular aspect of one of the characters (see: "I am angry" in the Sisters forum) - I found myself really enjoying the writing, the Imperial characters, and the labyrinthine reaches of just how deep the chaos plot goes.

Especially delicious is a scene where the book's primary 'hero' character punches the floor in frustration: "We won! We killed them all! We've won every single battle! SO WHY ARE WE LOSING THE WAR?!"

Xanatos Roulette at its best.

Sadly, I haven't had a chance to read Van Horstmann yet. it's WHFB, but Van Horstmann is one of Fantasy's iconic "supreme villain" characters. Sadly, he's been replaced in recent editions of the chaos army books by Vilitch the Curseling - mostly because, much like Amon'chakai and Ariel (And, some say, Teclis and Kroak), his powers and influence really lay outside the scope of most battles.

Sounds quite, quite interesting and like something I actually want to buy, so cheers!

I tend to ask though. The reason for this is that I own a crapload of BL books. Sadly that also means that I own a lot of books I ever regret paying even a penny for (Gav Thorpes Last chancers comes to mind as that was so horridly written that I fought with myself trying to finish it.). So far I have found two authours I can trust and who have yet to dissapoint me (when i buy a BL book I dont expect litterary marvels, but I still expect it to not read like it is written by myself when I was 10 years younger),: Dan Abnet and Aaron from this very forum.

Some of the others are okay as well, but I dont remember names (so they were not that okay msn-wink.gif

Anyway, I love to read.Love it enough to never ever try reading Graham Mcneils Ultramarine (the one with an obliterator train conductor and a myriad of other horrid ideas) omnibus again for instace tongue.png

But Tzeentch...Oh...We do love tzeentch ^^

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Thank you for the comments, working my arse off on my rubric squad atm. The plan is to have them finished by tomorrow! :)



Miko can you answer me a question? I have heard that in Ahriman: Exile, there is some astartes in Thousand Sons colours that are not original TS marines and not rubrics. Is this true?



I need to get myself a pad to read this book on the way to/from work! Why is it not out in paperback yeeeet??? :(




But Tzeentch...Oh...We do love tzeentch ^^

Oh yes we do! :D

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By the end of the book, yes - I don't think it's too spoilerish, given the stated purpose of the book, to say that the climax ends with a mass repainting of Thousand Sons armour which includes the three Renegade Astartes groupies that Ahriman picks up during the book.

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By the end of the book, yes - I don't think it's too spoilerish, given the stated purpose of the book, to say that the climax ends with a mass repainting of Thousand Sons armour which includes the three Renegade Astartes groupies that Ahriman picks up during the book.

Perfect, it has me thinking of a few ideas! smile.png

I found an old picture of a "blast from the past" that I haven't posted I think. This is my old Sorcerer Lord of tzeentch from 2nd edition! He was usually completely immortal with a ton of invul saves and stuff...


...back in the 90s when I could actually paint gems... tongue.png

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Slowest Thousand Sons squad ever, member #2:




I tried doing a blood effect on the sword, but it could have been quite a bit better...ah well, I'll fix it someday...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to paint blood again but I am having problems with the colour red in my photos! My pictures all make red a lot brighter than it is in reality. Is it the lighting? Is it the camera(iPhone)? Do I need to 'fix' the pictures afterwards? And if so, how?



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photo's have a tendency of either putting a lot of focus on stuff that you can't even see in real life, or of warping the color balance, gamma and contrast of things.


You could adjust it. There's an option in photoshop at least called 'selective color'. Toy with that a bit and see what you can come up with, if you have photoshop. I don't know how else to do it.

Having said that, I don't think you NEED to adjust it, if you're looking for feedback on a forum (maybe if you want some repository of cool looking minis, or otherwise show them off). You've said the red looks brighter than in real, so I dull it down a bit, and I can safely say I think you did really well with this blood. It's applied in the correct places in logical ways, which makes it look effective. It's also obviously still really fresh (or the blood would drie on the blade and scrape off the skin), so the colors I think you've used are good too.

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Well, that's true. Mostly I'm aiming for criticism and additional ideas(though obviously, my under-nourished tutelary lives off fame and praise, hihi :P ). I am a strange perfectionist in that I'm not overly good at painting, but still want the outcome of my pictures to be as good as they can be. I don't know, not getting the images to look like the models properly just irks me... :)


Ah well, onwards to my next two spawn and a plasmafiend! Before the day is over I aim to have them completely painted, and if I have time, my sorcerer as well! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I took my Thousand Sons to a tournament!

1600 points with specially made missions.



2x9 Rubrics, force axe, melta bombs, gift

2x12 Cultists, flamer, 6x autogun

2x3 Spawns

2x Oblits, MoT, vets

Dakka fiend


Result: I ended up almost exactly in the middle out of a little over a hundred players, so quite ok...

Man were they boring to play! wallbash.gif It was their inflexibility and slowness on the board that gave me rage! Next time I will buy them rhinos...and other fast stuff!

Against marines, sure, they did what they should...but against hordes? I (again!) got surprised by Ork resilience and damage output in close combat...I should have learned by now how dangerous they can be!

Vs. Thousand Sons: Loss (seriously Tzeentch favored the other player, as the dices rolled his way a LOT)

Vs. Salamanders: Win (I got my first Daemon Prince from champion of chaos! weee)

Vs. Emperor's Children: Win (too bad for him I have an invul save, I don't need cover, hehe)

Vs. Orks: Loss (I have no tools to handle hordes!!! Bwaaah!)

Vs. Dark Angels: Win (Belial got smashed in a challenge with Ahriman, epic showdown!)

Vs. Orks: Loss (Still can't handle those hordes...at the same time as freaking Ghazghkull in a AV14 assault vehicle!!!)

Thousand Sons are durable against low-ap shots, but when nothing in the opponent's army fires ap3 o lower, well, their cost is a bit inexcusable. Against Dreadnaughts, termies, Meganobs/Ghazghkull, Thousand Sons and blastmasters, they are quite nice...but mostly they fell to close combat and high-ap dakka.


I hardly got any useable gifts during the six games. My thoughts on gift is still "for fun if you really got the points to spare" but I'll not be taking it on aspiring sorcerers again, that's for sure. (I got a lot of stubborn, nothing, +1S and similar useless things. And when I did get something useful, like FnP, I ended up against a claw-armed ork that just ignored it!)

Psychic powers:

Biomancy is really really good! Enfeeble, Iron Arm and Warp Speed I got quite a few times, and Ahriman was buffed a lot in melee. In one game he held off an entire Ork boyz-mob by himself while killing 2-3 per turn! Doombolts are awesome! I got three of them against the Dark Angels, and they did what they promised. BOOM, dead termies and tanks! :)

Problem with the psychic powers is that most of the list's anti-tank and anti-horde power comes from psychic powers, and my opponents had a nasty habit of rolling sixes... :(

All in all I had a great time and now I need to repair-paint my models that I painted VERY sloppy only hours before the tournament began...in my hotelroom with lousy lightning... :D

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So, the first of 18 Thousand Sons are completed with my new "faster" colour scheme:



You did such a beautiful job on this guy with only one exception to me. They eyes just don't have the glow effect quite right. I think if you paint lighter- and maybe even white- into the eyes, it will hopefully make that glow look better.

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Thanks zyl. Yeah, the eyes didn't quite photograph well. They are brighter in reality, but I think I'll do them even brighter still...and learn how to properly photograph things... :)


What's on my painting station currently:








All issss dussssttt....

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For fluff (another kitten dead..whoops.)

I read that an iron warrior hosted something like 'best storyteller gets this artifact'

There were 3 story tellers, one an iron warrior, one a black legion and the other a 1k son.

All told their stories and it came to light that none of them were from 'the legions' and had been implanted after the heresy. The 1k son sorcerer, I can't rem his name stole away with the artifact in the end and is being pursued by a pissed off war smith for it.


Leads to believe that 1k sons are actively seeking out sorcerers or those with power and recruiting them.



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  • 4 months later...

Well, since I can't focus on a single project for very long (I'm beginning to suspect I have some sort of problem...) Here is a thing I did a while ago...






ALSO! I have a question for you all out there. Where would I find one of these that fit IG sized models? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/Shako-garde-royale-p1000581.jpg


I need them for my spireguard...that I am doing alongside my heresy era Thousand Sons...that I just started doing a few minutes ago...

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