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  • 2 weeks later...


Here is three of my old 2nd ed Thousand Sons:



Lovely chaps, all metal and insanely expensive. I don't remember where I got all that money from really...


I found an old picture of a "blast from the past" that I haven't posted I think. This is my old Sorcerer Lord of tzeentch from 2nd edition! He was usually completely immortal with a ton of invul saves and stuff...






Wow, these are gorgeous models! Is there any way we could get more shots and information about them?  I can't find them online anywhere, it seems like.

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The first 3 thousand Sons are classic TS heads on (L-R) what appears to be a metal beaky marine body, classic librarian (codicier) with sword, metal marine body (2nd ed).


The dude at the bottom is the BA veteran sergeant, with Aekold Helbrass's head and a Chaos Sorcerer backpack.

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The first 3 thousand Sons are classic TS heads on (L-R) what appears to be a metal beaky marine body, classic librarian (codicier) with sword, metal marine body (2nd ed).


The dude at the bottom is the BA veteran sergeant, with Aekold Helbrass's head and a Chaos Sorcerer backpack.

Full points! :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

@DC: Well, the blue is Kantor Blue highlighted with Lothern Blue, washed with Drakenhof Nightshade, the gold is Leadbelcher base, washed a few times with Seraphim Sepia and highlighted with Gehenna's Gold.


So I dusted off my old TS and I feel so sad that only two of them actually are finished. Most of them have blue and metals on, needs some repairing and washing and detailing...and repairing...


Firstly though, onwards with my photographic experimentation! Yeah, it's this guy again...




World's slowest TS warband is moving again...slowly but surely... :)

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