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Hello my honoured brothers,

I need your advice. I am going to lay my hands on redeemer/crusader box and I would like your opinion on which one is better for transporting Death Compnay and to make some serious harm.


I incline to the Crusaded because of the cool looking six-linked bolter (yes I know it's just three twin-linked bolters) and possibility of taking more bloodcrazed chainsword-wielding psychopaths.


But what are other opinions?

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A lot of people will tell you that the Redeemer is the best choice since the flamers are, admittedly, AWESOME. And with the changes to defensive weapons the crusader lost some utility since it can't always fire everything it has at full BS anymore. That said however, the same issues remain from 5th ed : The redeemer will rarely, if ever, get to fire both its flamers in one turn due to placement and the crusader has a bigger cargo capacity. If you are going to an assault transport I would still go crusader. Neither one is great against heavy armour, but the crusader can carry more chainsaw wielding freaks and has more guns that will be ablet to fire more often than the redeemer. I would also recommend adding the multimelta and storm bolter to your LR. Another 20pts on a 250pt transport is worth it to give it both one good anti AV shot as well as just a touch more dakka from the storm bolter. I always take both, and they always get their points back (the tank itself maybe not, but that storm bolter only has to kill one model and the same with the MM to get the upgrade costs back).
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I would suggest MAGNETZ!! It's actually not that hard to magnetize the sponsons :)


That aside, I like the crusader more as well, I never really managed to get that awesome flamer shot off. They look really cool on paper, but are rather disappointing on the battlefield. Similar to flamer-baals actually, though those are at least mobile and relatively cheap.

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not too sure if i'm getting the rules right, but I think you can only fire 2 weapons at BS if you have POTMS. That'll negate the disadvantage of the flamestorm cannons only being able to fire one at the time due to its positioning


also, think someone mentioned in my stormraven thread that you'll usually have enough bolters on your troops anyway. especially since tac. squads are coming to the fore in the new meta. it'll be nice to use the flamestorm on heavy infantry...

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As I said in the other thread, it depends on your list and the unit transported.


Need to transport >12 PA or >6 TDA ? Then Crusader

Lacking in bolter shots ? Then Crusader


If the answer to both of those is no, then Redeemer. It's 10pts cheaper than a Crusader, and while those Flamestorm Cannons aren't going to go off every game, when they do they're very nice. Think of them as a bonus.

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with the changes to defensive weapons the crusader lost some utility since it can't always fire everything it has at full BS anymore.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but:


5th ed: Move 6", Fire one weapon, hurricanes as defensive, potms one. Move 12" potms one weapon only.


6th Ed: Move 6", fire one, potms one, snap the others. Move 12", Potms one, snap the others.


Moving 12", the crusader actually got a little better, no?

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