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Raptor Advantages over Bikers


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I use Raptors as deep striking melta platforms -- two squads of five, each with a pair of meltaguns. Minimal expenditure so their death or mishap isn't crippling, and I can use them to nail backfield armor like Defilers, stock Russes, or IG artillery parks. Plus, going MSU with them gives redundancy for reserve rolls and in case of bad deep strike scatter.


I'm sorry but this doesn't jive with me. You start in reserves. Bikes can easily start on the table, and get just about anywhere in 2 turns, with turbo + Jink. I don't need redundancy because the unit has a good habit of living.


I think unless you play large games a unit of 2K or so then cannon-balling a Raptor squad is too expensive. However if this is the way you prefer to play it, I'd recommend the ol' Termicide squad. Save yourself some points, and get a bit more survivability.


Trust me I'm not thrilled about raptors with those beautiful new models being substandard. They are just another 'meh' unit in the new codex.



What you're missing is the "oh :P" factor that the Raptors provide. In the few games I played with my Chaos before dropping them again, people were castling up and being very defensive with their armor because they feared what those Raptors could do when they dropped. Combined with a big block of Infiltrating Terminators (thank you Huron), it forced my opponents to maneuver in odd ways while they tried to avoid the triple treat of my gunline, my Infiltrators, and my deep strikers. And of course, being Alpha Legion, it rarely worked out for my foes.

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