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Does Chaos suffer from a lack of heavy anti-tank?


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Allied guard.


- BS4 Vets with 3 Meltaguns comes in at 100 points.

- Vendetta.

- Whichever tank you fancy (Manticore at S10 anyone?).

- Marbo.


Allied Guard gives you every tool you need dirt cheap. 400 points of them gives you roughly any tool you want. Marbo is pure gold; almost comparable to termicide at a lower cost. And remember that your Vendetta can carry your Vets wherever you want them, either to tankhunt or "Wood Elf" an objective lategame.

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We've got anti tank options. Not the most or the best, but we don't suffer from a lack of it. There are other key gaps that we do suffer from - anti flier (this is mostly a problem with the 6e rules in general, but our book didn't really take the opportunity to fix it for our faction), appropriate transport options, etc. But while it might require a bit more effort than for some other factions, and while it's certainly a potential vulnerability that an enemy can try to exploit, I don't think ground based armor is an issue we need to get worked up over.
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