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Dark Vengeance DAs converted into Chaos?


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I've got the Dark Vengeance set to build up my Chaos Marines, and I'm looking at the Dark Angels... They've got some pretty models! So, have anyone got any tips on how I can turn these guys to the dark side? Pictures of conversions would be nice too. I'm thinking (for ease) to have them as JUST turned traitor marines- just put some knicks in the armour and stuff. But the big wings on the Terminators and bikes are what's worrying me. I mean, I could have them as Emperor's Children (if they haven't tarnished their armour since the HH).

Again, any tips would be great!


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I don't have pictures but just snap the wings off the bikes. If you have any spare chaos bits at all then glue them on top! Same goes for Terminators. Buying a seperate pack of heads (should cost you about £3-5) will confirm their allegiance.


The Raptors/Warp Talons box is great for conversions, after you've made your Raptors or Talons you're left with spare heads and spikey bits. If you make Talons then you pretty much have a 5-man biker set with CCWs and heads.

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I've got spares and bits. Just in case anyone had already converted them and could give me the benefit of their experience. The DV models are like the old Black Reach one, so they're basically 2-3 parts. Not very easy to convert. I'm gonna dedicate some time to them. :s
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Paint them up as fallen: paint the green armor black, get rid of the headdress from the Terminator as that is post-heresy thing. The feathers on the bikes might be OK as they are possibly done in a style of some European cavalry rather than anything to do with native Americans. Get rid of or corrupt the Imperial Aquila and there you go!
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Paint them up as fallen: paint the green armor black, get rid of the headdress from the Terminator as that is post-heresy thing. The feathers on the bikes might be OK as they are possibly done in a style of some European cavalry rather than anything to do with native Americans. Get rid of or corrupt the Imperial Aquila and there you go!

My normal CSMs are in the Deathmongers scheme. So I'll probably paint them in that.

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The librarium is an easy conversion to sorcerer by giving chaos backpack and changing sword blade part to something more evil looking. The Tac squad sergeant was converted to a CSM aspiring champion with power sword which works pretty well considering I play word bearers. The bikes take a bit of cutting up, but i made the bike sergeant a sorcerer on bike. Im going to keep the wings on it signifying some kind of allegiance with tzeentch, but the head could use some changing :wub: .
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I would make them Fallen - maybe cut off the right shoulder pad and replace with a chaos one, saw them at waist and give CSM legs, adding topknots to the helmets and replace the backpacks.

But then at that point you're just better off buying CSM in the first place in terms of cost and time, especially given the legs are by far the most expensive part of a marine. Needing the extra backpacks certainly doesn't help either.

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I'm currently converting my DV tac squad into some Emperor's Children.

Removing the DA symbols from the shoulders isn't too bad and I can keep the Aquila's on mine and get away with it. :rolleyes:


I am putting in some GS effort though to give them that traitorous look, including Slaanesh symbols on one pad, EC insignia on the other ( once I make a cast) and some other chaosy stuff.


I'll post som pics once they are done, but don't hold your breath! :)



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