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Raptors with the flu.

The Unspeakable

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I think they're fluffy - I've seen some HH artwork of Death Guard raptors. Looked awesome.


Twin lightning claws, melta bombs, 2 melta guns.


Yep. By and large my favorite raptor artwork. Those jump-packs are awesome... I really hope FW puts out a mkIII assault pack version of that art.

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i run a 5 man raptor squad in my deathguard army and they work really well , mine are equip with 2 meltas and champ has twin lighting claws, i use them as either anti tank , or they have been working well to take out annoying units live tactical squads and dev squads, i try and keep them assaulting units near my diarge caster armed rhinos tho , but with MON upping there toughness to 5 against things like tactical squads and standard units they work really well.


as to fluffness ive actually seen some nice art work with deathguad assault marines before, id have to google them tho, but i think they would have a very limited number of them even if they were not standard or used often by the DG.

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I was considering this too. While Melta is awesome and everything, having a fast moving plasma squad could be pretty useful.


I'm still aiming to get a 7man squad with 2 melta + a combi melta, but as I'd have to buy 2 boxes worth to get this, I could build 2 more with plasma, and the remaining as a champion with combi plasma...

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Taking FA choices aren't very fluffy for DG (Doctrine conflict) imho.

But not all Nurgle Armies are Death Guard. ;)


That aside, the fluffiest choice would be to field Raptors with MoN I guess.

Loadout would most likely be Meltas for AT duty?

I think I agree with this. You can always switch it out for plasma an use them as AI, give them smaller, softer targets to hit if you want. No idea how well it would work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I might be a bit late to the party, but just thought I'd chime in with my thoughts. I used them quite a bit in 5th, and avoided giving them plasma in the past, reasoning that the fnp guys should be the ones with plasma, and that assault troops with rapid fire weapons is a poor choice (relentless bikers being the exception). I don't think that rationalle has changed with 6th, but really I need to get more games in.

The twin melta gun was a reasonable anti tank choice, but paying extra for T5 seems like a waste in a suicide "anti tank" role.

I think in 6th their role is anti light/medium infantry where the impact hits and fear will actually do something. So I'd consider giving them two flamers, a lightning claw champ and some extra bodies. Having said that I'm not sure about them, and haven't play tested that in 6th. T5 helps you out against some overwatch hits so dirge casters aren't essential, but no overwatch fire is better than some.

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There is no room in my 1500 point force for raptors, but I have just bought a box (need the meltagun for a conversion and plan for them eventually). I'm still thinking that a squad with plasmaguns could be useful, as support. While I would more likely use meltaguns (and a combi melta).


Plasmagun squad + combi weapon = 6 plasma shots within 12, much more likely to do damage to a th/ss squad then 3 melta's and charging in, I'd think. Same for dealing with a hive tyrant, or DK.

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Woah, i thought this topic was closed ;)


But anyway, got myself one box of raptors, have to say, I'm quite enjoying the buggers. My store ran out of stock, so I could only get one set, but I ran them with meltas for two games, in one game they destroyed a Battlewagon and killed all the burnas inside, while taking minimal losses.


In the other they were completely annihilated before they could strike a blow (Curse Eldar trickery for stealing the initiative! :P ).

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