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Themed Army Idea


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Hi i recently returned to the game after a long break apart from the odd model here and there for painting, decided to collect two armies to keep myself interested, already started my Inquisition themed army now looking at a theme for Chaos.


The main idea i had was to theme it around a small group of DA Fallen(5-8) who have turned to chaos to survive even though they personally believe the DA are the traitors.


The idea is that they have taken over as the leaders and elite of another renegade chaos chapter, possibly with the idea of rebulding the DA in there vision but im not sure about that part yet.


What do people think as i have to admit i have not read every part of 40k fluff like im sure the more experianced players have?



On a side note if there is another fun themed chaos idea people would like to suggest im open to suggestions as i have also considered Emperors Children in a more old fashioned jokey sense(80s hair metalers) or Death Guard as i read that they have access to zombies which appeals.


Thanks for any help and opinions you can offer.

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I think your idea is solid... it's a pretty open environment for that kind of premise.


Rockn'Roll EC's have been done to death, so I don't know if you want to go there.


Deathguard are appealing to larger armies. It gives you a lot of flexibility for modeling too.


Out of what you mention I think your DA theme for chaos is a great idea. I think typically Huron attracts that sort of small, strong 'band' of Chaos marines who want to enter a force with more organization and better resources, but I like your idea. It gives you lots to work with since you're doing your own thing.

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I had a similar idea (here) but the premise is a bit different - The core of the army is a small group of Fallen, maybe 2-4 squads, that had recruited errant chaos marines from everywhere to reinforce their numbers, and some other complete warbands that fight under their command as mercenaries (like Noise Marines cult troops, for example).


I'll flesh out the idea in more detail later at my blog (check my sig) - where, with the help of a small Alpha Legion independent cell (represented on the table by the Chosen, painted in AL colors) they execute the "Difamation Crusade" - several coordinated attacks, where they, fully uniformized in Dark Angels livery, attack Imperial targets across the galaxy, to generate as much reports of the "treason" of the Dark Angels as possible, to bring down the loyalist chapter.

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Well, having been with the hobby since before the Fallen Angels were introduced as a concept (WAAAAAAY back in the days of Second Ed), I think you're idea chimes with the notion of the Fallen perfectly. They have always been represented in the background as highly elite manipulators of uncertain agenda; the notion that they might rise to prominence amongst the dregs of traitors and renegades makes alot of sense, as does the notion that they would use such as pawns to further their own ends.


Please, for the love of Tzeentch, paint them black.

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About the other two ideas you had, you can easily incoporate them to the Fallen idea.


People (me included) usually portray The Fallen as a Chaos Undivided army. Using them as a core, you can use Plague Marines squads as Fallen that favor Nurgle, and Noise Marines as fallen that favor Slaanesh - I particulary prefer to keep the Noise Marines as a "seperated" warband - I plan to model them with all kinds of furs and animal print, Glam Rock style, as members of the Children of Distortion warband :lol:

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Just thought id update, as i had my first read of the new CSM codex last night, it has made me reconsider EC but in a less cheesy way plus possibly the WB as they seem an interesting legion.


So im back to 3 options, it's just to hard trying to choose.



Just discovered the Sons of Horus colour scheme, quick question would it fit with the fluff if i decided to do that under the theme that when they became the black legion a small splinter group(my army) kept the name and original colour scheme, just checking for a potential 4th choice as that scheme is brilliant.

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