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Blessings and Independent Characters


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Ok all, I've been playing this a certain way but I can't do it in good conscience anymore until I get a ruling.



  • Two Units of Blood Angel Assault Marines, one in front one in back.
  • A Librarian is attached to the front unit and a Sanguinary Priest is attached to the back unit.
  • Librarian casts Prescience on the Front Squad.
  • Later in the movement Phase, the Priest joins the Prescience'd unit and the Librarian leaves the Prescience'd unit

Does the Priest now gain Prescience for Shooting and Melee? Does the Librarian now lose Prescience for Shooting and Melee?


The ruling would also apply to Maledictions unless I'm mistaken.

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Prescience is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 12". Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit can re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.


The power, once cast, lasts until the end of the following turn. If the Librarian leaves the unit during that time he no longer benefits from the power. If the Priest joins the unit he does.

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