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Is there a case for minimum upgrade CSM squads?

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If you are taking CSM troops I am convinced that 'Grey Hunters++' are the best version.


10 CSM (4 with bolters 5 with BP/BG/CCW) with 2 Plasmaguns, VOTLW, MoK and Icon of Vengeance, Champ with L Claw and bolter.


Sure it is expensive but it will actually beat GHs in combat and is a Fearless 3+ unit with Counter Charge.


Or, make subpar Grey Hunters by using 10 CSMs, VotLW and 2 plasmaguns. Leave the expensive marks, icons and champion at home and use those remaining points for more damaging non-troop squads.


I'm wrapping my brain around the idea that troop's primarily role is to claim objectives. For that they have to be reasonably durable. Beyond that, anything else they bring to the fight is bonus.

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