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The Relic


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In game type 5, "The Relic."

A single Necron warrior, correct me if I'm wrong , has "picked up" the relic by being in base contact with it at the end of his player turn.

Player 2, a CSM player, now gets his turn.

A CSM unit has only 2 guys that survive overwatch and the assault and in the process of moving in for the assault 1x CSM is in base contact with the warrior holding the relic who dies in CC, now here is where it gets wierd...

We couldn't figure out where the relic was supposed to be placed since the warrior holding it died, (keep in mind that there were other warriors around, but not in position to be in base contact with it) so since the relic didn't move the whole game we decided it would be placed exactly where it had been the whole game, now the CSM is the only model in base contact with it, the 'Crons specifically the one who used to be in base contact, pass their reanimation at the end of the phase (which I'm fairly certain comes before the end of turn) and stands up in the exact same spot (B2B with the relic)..who is now in contact with the relic at end of player turn??????

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You only sieze control of the relic at the end of your movement phase. The necron warrior dropped the relic as he was removed as a casualty. If he had not moved from the time he picked it up I believe the relic would still be in it's original position. The dead necron cannot be placed within 1" of an enemy model so he probably can't get in b2b with the relic. During your next movement phase you would almost certainly have been able to pick the relic up.
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Yes, if the model with the relic is killed the relic is dropped. You can pass it between models but only when it allows you too.


In this case the relic falls on the floor until a model can end it's movement phase in contact with it to acquire it again... whoever that may be.

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