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Land Raider Spartan


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Okay, presumably a simple one to answer - must be, because I'm asking it.....


With a transport cap of 25, in normal 40k games (i.e: current era) can you put 2 squads in the same Spartan and then have them charge out at 2 separate targets or is it just one big mob charge and 1 big squad doing it?

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If the Spartan says it can have multiple squads in it then that's fine. If it doesn't, then you follow the rules already given for transport vehicles, which is one unit per vehicle. Units split by Combat Squads in Marines are, as always, the exception.
  • 4 weeks later...
  DarkGuard said:
If the Spartan says it can have multiple squads in it then that's fine. If it doesn't, then you follow the rules already given for transport vehicles, which is one unit per vehicle. Units split by Combat Squads in Marines are, as always, the exception.



Why are Combat Squading marines the exception? Don't you have to choose when a unit is deployed to combat squad or not? And if they are in a transport then they were deployed in that transport during the deployment phase before turn 1 started.


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