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warptalons?.. warptalons.


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They compeletly annhilated IG backed with front line defiler with dirge (massive dirge footprint) clearing a flank by themselves, and made a huge difference against a Ultra gun line i played against but I think I might still choose bikers for almost every job I can see for them.

could you tell us , how you got a defiler in to melee range against an IG army ?



Its not that hard, I rushed 2 brutes anda bout 90 cultists straight up the middle with Khârn and co. and kept the defiler and talons behind cover the best i could - not needing the fire options first or second turn meant i could do that pretty easy. The defiler only needs to be in dirge range from the front foot and the talons can frog leap in.


The heel drake helped some too.

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Well I can't think of way that make warptalons better, while making them stupidly powerful.

12" range of Warpflame strike would create about 28" blind buble. One unit could render huge chunks of low I armies useless, not to say that it would inevitably lead to spamtalon lists, where multiple strikes could blind entire armies (especially above 2k points).

+1A? I believe it would make them too powerful, especially when mixed with MoK.

Vehicles automatically failing blind tests? Well go figure.

Some kind of Demonic Breath flamer attack? Would give sense for assault unit, but then there is owerwatch...

Still I feel that there was some last minute nerf to the Warp Talons, because fluff doesn't match rules precisely. Maybe some kind of advatage when assaulting prey (chosen squad) or scatter distance manipulation when landing near their prey. Or no scatter zone close to the icons was removed....

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Warpflame rule should be that they count as equiped with assault grenades in assault, and that the opponent count as being hit by a blind-weapon.


Hardly OP, and it would make them unique.

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want to homebrew fixed warp talons? Start by trading lightning claws for rending claws (more versatile, yet also cheaper), give them back their frags, and drop the warpflame deepstrike whatever altogether. Either give them heroic intervention or don't, there is no other deep striking ability that matters for a unit with no shooting attacks. The first change is the most important, the chaos army just doesn't need a melee only anti-power armor specialist enough to warrant a unit as expensive and as fragile and as bad at doing anything else as a power armored unit of lightning claws is bound to be. Rending claws makes them usable against terminators (which we need), makes them not completely worthless against walkers, and also should allow them to be cheaper, so they aren't brutalized by small arms so badly.


Lack of grenades and the non-functioning blind rule are, imo, just the insult cherries topping the "Chaos doesn't need a unit of power armored lightning claws" injury sunday. The mixed metaphors are the peanuts on the sunday.

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Well I can't think of way that make warptalons better, while making them stupidly powerful.

12" range of Warpflame strike would create about 28" blind buble. One unit could render huge chunks of low I armies useless, not to say that it would inevitably lead to spamtalon lists, where multiple strikes could blind entire armies (especially above 2k points).

+1A? I believe it would make them too powerful, especially when mixed with MoK.

Vehicles automatically failing blind tests? Well go figure.

Some kind of Demonic Breath flamer attack? Would give sense for assault unit, but then there is owerwatch...

Still I feel that there was some last minute nerf to the Warp Talons, because fluff doesn't match rules precisely. Maybe some kind of advatage when assaulting prey (chosen squad) or scatter distance manipulation when landing near their prey. Or no scatter zone close to the icons was removed....

Ever heard about giving them granade equivalent (say they have shriek of doom)? 2 profile attacks - terminators have 2 base attacks afterall ? 9" bubble ? Charge after deep-strike ?

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