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Staff, Axe or sword

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I'm thinking of converting another HQ sorcerer model, I have one in power armour with staff, and another in termi armour with chainfist and force sword, so I'm thinking of what to do on the next one, it will either be a sword or an axe, probably in power armour, I'm thinking a good combination could be to take a power weapon of whichever one I don't have as the forcer weapon, so either force sword and power axe, or vice versa.

I'm also curios about what people like to use themselves either.

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From a rules perspective, I can say that I prefer the staff.

Sure, it hasn't got the penetration of an axe or sword, but the increased strength, combined with the concussive rule, and striking in initiative order suits me just fine.

I don't feel the trade off of +1st for cumbersome on the axe is worth the awesome looking daemonic axe, and the rules for the sword are now (imo) redundant.

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For me it depends.


If the sorcerer will be with another character, I like one to have an axe the other to have a sword or staff.


Otherwise, I generally go sword.

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I have got 2 aspiring sorcerer models with swords, and one with an axe and one with a halbeard so that could count as either a staff or a maul :(

Has anyone tried a sorcerer with force weapon and power weapon? the extra attacks and versitality could be good, bit pricey, but not to much so

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With Chaos being new, Daemons having good units, and Bikes being better this addition, I would go with staff. Yeah, it doesn't have ap to go through power armor, the higher str seems more likely to wound Daemon Princes, Greater Daemons, Bikes, and Nurgley things. Add a staff to the biomancy powers and you have a +2 str weapon with the chance to get +D3 Str/T and I/A.
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