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So a few things have gotten past me and I can't seem to find the answers. <----blind


1. Can a flyer Ram? I think only tanks can, but why would there be a +1 modifier for actually being a "tank"?

2. If a Necron Night Scythe "crashes and burns" what happens to the unit it was a dedicated transport for? Cant find the answer in the codex or FAQ.

3. Can a unit inside a transport shoot , THEN the vehicle move flat out? Seems like bending the rules here , but the way the BRB answers this it seems like the shot could be taken before the transport moves again in the shooting phase.

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1. Only tanks can ram. The +1 is applied by the rammer, but isn't automatically used by the vehicle being rammed, if you ram a tank you get a harder hit back than ramming a non-tank.


2. Page 51 covers this under 'Transport,' I don't see why this wouldn't apply as normal.


3. Yes, I guess so. As you say, these kind of actions happen in sequence in 40K, not simultaneously.

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1) You may want your tank to ram a non-tank. That's where the +1 modifier comes in. Say you ram an Ork Truk, that's not a tank, so it doesn't get it. If you ram a Rhino instead it would.


2) Doesn't the Night Scythe have a rule that lets you stick the unit back into reserve when it dies? I can't see it being errata'd out, so that's what would happen. Unless I've missed something.


3) What Morollan said.

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1. All answers make sense, just didn't think about it that way.

2. Yup , was looking in the wrong spot, they go back into reserve and cant arrive via deepstrike.

3. I've read pg 78, I guess the word "moves" also means if you are planning on moving the vehicle flat out during that shooting phase.



good stuff , thank you all.

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2. Has been debated quite a lot and I think the consensus is that there is nothing in the rules of the Necron flyer that prevents the unit from taking the S10, AP 1 hit that any other unit takes when on a crashing, zooming flyer. The fluff seems to make it clear that the unit is not actually embarked on the transport but for rules purposes they are. They therefore take the hit before going into reserve.
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2. Has been debated quite a lot and I think the consensus is that there is nothing in the rules of the Necron flyer that prevents the unit from taking the S10, AP 1 hit that any other unit takes when on a crashing, zooming flyer. The fluff seems to make it clear that the unit is not actually embarked on the transport but for rules purposes they are. They therefore take the hit before going into reserve.


This one is broken by its own rule. The fluff tells you it does not have a transport compartment. 40K rulebook says that hits apply to all models within the flyer. But then the codex rules flat out state that the unit IS embarked and not allowed to disembark.

"If the Night Scythe is destroyed, the embarked unit is not allowed to disembark, but instead enters reserve (when they arrive, they cannot Deep Strike)." -- C:N p.51


So, then the next line of thinking is that if the necron player insists that the unit does not take hits because it is not really embarked, then the unit can not go into reserves because only the embarked unit enters reserves. If no unit is embarked, no unit goes into reserves.


In a nut shell, if he wants to bring the unit on board then the unit was embarked within the flyer and thus needs to take its hits. I don't think this is RAI but it is RAW by the codex's own rule which is written opposing the fluff on the same page.

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I believe you're fine to post the odd link to another website, so long as it is the odd link, we don't this site to turn into an advertising board for another. But if they've got some good points then you could either link to the post or quote that post here yourself, the latter would be better, just make clear who said it from what site.


Also, before doing this, you must steel your faith with litanies that assures you that this site is the best. :D

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