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Using Sisters as Chaos Marines

Crimson Templar

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With the release of the current chaos codex I have really begun to think about starting a chaos force. I have been a long time UM player, and love the Word Bearers fluff. With actual rules for a Dark Apostle I am even more interested. So Using the DV box a base (the chosen champ will be my Dark Apostle) what do you all think of using SOB models as Chaos space marine squads?


My thought process was the Dark Apostle was able to "convert" the sisters to the worship of the "true gods". I have two SOB squads that I canarm with a melta gun and Heavy bolter. I was goint to run my seraphim as raptors with two flamers. My retributer squad seems like it would make a good Noise marine squad since I have two MM and Heavy flamers which Chaos SM do not have, but I could call Sonic Blasters. As of right now I have no Armor for this army so itwould be a strictly foot force unless I use a few blue rhinosand predators.


The idea really came to me after listening to a Halestorm song. One squad will be the Daughters of Darkness and the other will be the Sisters Insane. If I hed repentia they would be the insane!!

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Sounds good. I was just reading a Ciaphas Cain story that had traitorous sisters in it.


I would be tempted to make them be led by a sorcerer rather than a dark apostle, though. Sisters are fanatical, and I think a psyker would be more likely to bend sisters to the cause of freedom than simply hot oratory.

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Good god, why? The cost is horrendous for metal models that are hard to work with and locked into a a VERY limited number of poses.


Fluff wise, Sisters do not convert at all. You could do it as a CSM owned sector that steals children to raise in a cultist program mimicking the imperial schola progenium.

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Just because they never "convert", it does not mean that they have never been corrupted. And if they can become corrupted, they can be converted.


By the way, there is a blue Renegade Chapter. They are called the Violators. Just make the armor some Violators allies who have chosen to follow the Dark Apostle, and BAM!, you have a plan.

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I already own the Sisters models. I have had them since they were first released. The new Chaos SM codex has sparked enough of an interest that I have considered painting them up as renegade sisters. What do you experianced Choas players think of AT fire support for a force like I plan. I can tell from my UL experiance that this list has no AT other than the two melta guns. What works well and is fitting for a Word Bearers force?
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I can tell from my UL experiance that this list has no AT other than the two melta guns. What works well and is fitting for a Word Bearers force?

Well, with WB just about everything is an option- but obliterators and havoks are good choices. Oblits are good in general, and havocs can be armed to suit your needs. Autocannons are popular at the moment, but missiles are a decent mid-range choice, and there is always lascannons to open those really big cans.

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Fluff wise, Sisters do not convert at all.


This unfortunately is an old piece of fluff and no longer true.

Miriael Sabathiel is no longer "the only fallen sister ever". There have been various instances and stories where sisters have fallen to the lure of chaos.

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Just because they never "convert", it does not mean that they have never been corrupted. And if they can become corrupted, they can be converted.


By the way, there is a blue Renegade Chapter. They are called the Violators. Just make the armor some Violators allies who have chosen to follow the Dark Apostle, and BAM!, you have a plan.


they dont get corrupted . there are 2 pices of fluff where they do . one is from ccg and one is from a comic . they are so pure , that even stuff like the red tide doesnt work on them and GK use their blood and bones to keep corruption off themselfs .



mechanics wise , there is 0 problem . counts as works just fine and considering the state of the sob dex right now , I dont mind sob players using any different dex to play their colloction with .

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they are so pure , that even stuff like the red tide doesnt work on them and GK use their blood and bones to keep corruption off themselfs .


Reread that bit in the GK codex. SOME of the sisters resist the corruption. And the GK kill THOSE sisters to use their blood to ward themselves with.


So there is an example for corrupted SoBs. Right in the Grey Knights codex.

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Fluff wise, Sisters do not convert at all.

My name is Miriael Sabathiel and I am canon. :tu:


link + link

If only she was real.....

Written by Abnett, in an official BL publication. How real does it have to be in order to be considered real? :lol:


The point is that Crimson Templar has a fluffy army that can march forward in the name of Chaos.
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Reread that bit in the GK codex. SOME of the sisters resist the corruption. And the GK kill THOSE sisters to use their blood to ward themselves with.

Man, they really are true and honorable Knights, aren't they :tu:

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Fluff wise, Sisters do not convert at all.

My name is Miriael Sabathiel and I am canon. :tu:


link + link

If only she was real.....

Written by Abnett, in an official BL publication. How real does it have to be in order to be considered real? :lol:


The point is that Crimson Templar has a fluffy army that can march forward in the name of Chaos.

I meant flesh and blood real. Sorry, I had a fanboy moment.

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Funny how this thread falls into a debate whether or not they're incorruptible, and no one even mentions the differens between WS/S/T 4 instead of 3 :tu:


I've wanted to to Chaos Sisters for ages myself. I think the Sisters range is still awesome (regardless what you heathens say) and will probably end up painting a loyalist Sisters force at some point. So I say go for it - and post updates!

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Funny how this thread falls into a debate whether or not they're incorruptible, and no one even mentions the differens between WS/S/T 4 instead of 3 :P

They were blessed by Slaanesh with the knowledge of how to properly use their swords(WS4). They blessed by Khorne with otherworldly strength(S 4). And the Dark Mech improved their armor(T 4).

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Funny how this thread falls into a debate whether or not they're incorruptible, and no one even mentions the differens between WS/S/T 4 instead of 3 :P

They were blessed by Slaanesh with the knowledge of how to properly use their swords(WS4). They blessed by Khorne with otherworldly strength(S 4). And the Dark Mech improved their armor(T 4).


See, that just makes no sense! I could see one patron God, but this is borderline Abaddon stuff. Also, they're already wearing power armour, T4 would have to come from physique, so we should rather throw Nurgle in there :)


My point wasn't how to justify it, I can think of a million ways to do that (the Argen Tal-variant being the obvious choice). The point was rather that this didn't even get mentioned. I bet A-D-B are having a field day reading this thread and taking in all the various opinions of canon presented. It hits his point from a while back dead spot ringer on the head.

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Fluff wise, Sisters do not convert at all.


This unfortunately is an old piece of fluff and no longer true.

Miriael Sabathiel is no longer "the only fallen sister ever". There have been various instances and stories where sisters have fallen to the lure of chaos.

Some have been tricked, some have been possessed, but only one has ever willing turned on her own.


This "old bit of fluff" may be omitted from the current codex, but then so are Zealots, Redemptionists and a ton of other fluff. But all the other instances in the books, no other Sister has ever turned by her choice.


That said, there are plenty of examples where people build CSM counts-as armies. It is a common enough fetish that the topic comes up ever so often on the Sisters of Battle forum. You can also do a google search to find a few other references with the term "Sisters of Chaos" or something similar.


Two of the biggest obstacles you will face is the lack of female TDA and Sisters on bikes. With the new chaos bike rules, this is one of the better units and best uses for anti heavy armor meltas.


There is also an active topic on the Sisters of Battle forum right now about alternative models. Viper is doing a good job using Dark Eldar bodies with marine and scout weapons, arms and packs. This might work for bike troops, too.


Anyway, this has been done a few times so you should be able to find some examples out there. You will get people that razz you about the fluff but in the end this is YOUR army so do what you want with it.

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There's also sisters in a Ciaphas Cain novel that are turned, albeit psychically but they're turned. Sure they kill themselves later but that isn't the important part. :P


I like it but you are going to need more anti-tank even in just fluff lists. I'm not very familiar with SoB models, are there any heavier weapons like heavy bolters, MLs etc? Or maybe you can convert up a corrupt pentient engine into a forgefiend, dread or hellbrute? (If you can't tell I have no idea their size....)


Edit: Are all SoB models still metal?

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All metal. Not all still in production, but no plastic or resin.

Heavy weapons are heavy bolters, heavy flamers and multimelta. Melta is the Sisters most common anti-tank and they carry a lot of it.


Oh, and squads of eviscerator weilding pain sl..., errr, Repentia. a squad of chainfists that can strike even when they die rip open heavy armor easily.

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Funny how this thread falls into a debate whether or not they're incorruptible, and no one even mentions the differens between WS/S/T 4 instead of 3 :)

They were blessed by Slaanesh with the knowledge of how to properly use their swords(WS4). They blessed by Khorne with otherworldly strength(S 4). And the Dark Mech improved their armor(T 4).


See, that just makes no sense! I could see one patron God, but this is borderline Abaddon stuff. Also, they're already wearing power armour, T4 would have to come from physique, so we should rather throw Nurgle in there ;)


My point wasn't how to justify it, I can think of a million ways to do that (the Argen Tal-variant being the obvious choice). The point was rather that this didn't even get mentioned. I bet A-D-B are having a field day reading this thread and taking in all the various opinions of canon presented. It hits his point from a while back dead spot ringer on the head.

Abaddon is the only person to have been Marked by all Four Gods and it took him more than a few Black Crusades. Nothing has been against two or three Gods(and I didn't even say Marked, just given mutations) especially since when you go into the meat of it, even the opposing Gods aren't too different from each other.


It didn't get mentioned because no one is really worrying about it. Whenever someone takes a Night Lord Army and goes count-as Blood Angels, no one really bothers asking him too much the differences, like PotMS. Same thing when other people go Count-As Space Wolves and suddenly pop up with Acute Senses. There really is no need to worry about it because it will either be justified with some handwritten background, or nobody who plays Crimson Templar will care.

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