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Psycannons and Overwatch


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Well, if you moved, and are not TDA, you have to use the assault profile. If you stand still, or are TDA, you can use the heavy profile. Snap Shot has no effect on that. Which means you cannot moved and snap shot using the heavy profile. Pretty sure that's covered in the FAQ.



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You can always choose to use the Heavy Profile on overwatch, even if you moved in your movement phase the previous player turn.


Shooting a Heavy weapon is allowed as a snap shot. Overwatch is a snap shot. So there's no downside.


Pew Pew.


Edit: If you're not relentless and you move, you can choose to shoot the Psycannon in your shooting Phase in it's Heavy mode, as a Snap Shot. You're not ever forced to use the Assault mode.

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When firing a Psycannon in Overwatch, can the firer choose to use its 'Heavy' profile (i.e. 4 snap shots) in preference to its 'Assault' profile (i.e. 2 snap shots)?


Yes. The only limitation on firing a heavy weapon is that you "cannot charge in the ensuing Assault Phase". As Overwatch occurs in your opponents turn, you would not be able to charge anyway so there is no downside to using the Heavy 4 profile.

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