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Where's our primarch


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So after reading Book 1, and seeing the releas of angron.


When can we expect the release of our primarch? After all he is more key figure than the other ones. Any way maybe it me being bias and wanting to start on my next project which includes death shroud terminators ( hope FW get them done fast)


Typhus is close but far from what he should look like' I picked up to model them out as deathshroud terminators, for now to get a gage of what I plan to build.


Anyhow what u guys feel about getting our primarch and deathshroud ?

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If they use the same base style as they did with angron, Mortarion would be able to be either a "terminator" chaos lord, or a daemon prince. I will definitely add this miniature to any army I had, if it is as good as angron is.



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I think angron set the bar, each primarch should only get better. ( hopefully)

I don't attend this to be rumors starter. But the very bulky special rule should hint that size of it will be large than that of angron.


Well I think Mortarion was the tallest of all the Primarchs except for Magnus. Magnus being just all round huge.

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Yeah the hh book gives a great back story, I don't read any of the other books. Just what's in the codex or when I decide to pick a FW books, so I here there conflicting reports on few things.


They don't compar the primarch to much. Just info on them and talks about the legions


About to revive some hate for his but I am waiting on the sanquinius more than any other primarch. BA was first army back in 2nd when I pick up the game.


Back on topic

You may be right on the size of Magnus. Fluff wold hint to him being long and elegant.

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Anyhow what u guys feel about getting our primarch and deathshroud ?

Personally I'm very happy about getting a Morty model. Without knowing what he will be modeled like my plan may change, but at this stage I will magnetize his backpack to give him a wings option down the track. So I can use him as a post heresy prince, or as he is for 30k games. I suppose I can ally him in with the 30k rules for 40k games, bit he's such a beatstick that I'd feel dirty doing it.


Having rules for the deathshroud is awesome, but I have been converting ten from metal grey knights termies (I started when that boxed set was new, so it's high time I finished!) so probably won't pick any up unless I absolutely can't resist ( which, let's face it, is pretty likely ;) ).


Overall I'm very happy that we are getting some love from forgeworld.

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