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Sorcerer on Bike


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Hi guys,


I have been having great success with the following little chap:


Sorcerer on Bike,

- Mastery level 3

- Mark of Nurgle

- Sigil of Corruption

- Force SWORD

- Gift of Mutation



Now, my question is: How would you model a Sorcerer on a bike?


Obviously the first thing I need is a bike, which I have, but what other bits would you recommend to make him look suitably "sorcerery"? I did vaguely think of a Dark Angels guy on a bike for a robed look but I'm not sure if that will actually look any good.


If any of you have pictures of assembled Sorcerers I would be most appreciative if you could post them up here so I can draw on inspiration for them.





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Now post your bikes people! ;)




I just built an amazing Biker Sorcerer by converting the DV bike sergeant. Just replaced his torso with a possessed torso and gave him the terminator sorc head.


Just one question remains: what weapon to model him with? I'm leaning towards a sword. What do you think?

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Spiky hat. lol


So true though.


Just an fyi someone didi put a Thousand Sons marine on a bike in the D.V. mini's thread. I know it's not a sorc but I'm just wondering if you got your hands on the resin 1K sons kit from GW if you could maybe make it work? Just a thought.

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Well, you could do what I did with a DV chosen and a bike, and mash them together. It takes a lot of chopping and some patience but bikes and DV chosen go together so well! To make this guy a sorcer you could change the head out to a sorc head and then perhaps make a little spell familiar riding along on the back of the bike!



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I've been considering using fantasy chaos knights as the basis for bike conversions. If that strikes your fancy, there's a nurgle lord on decrepit daemonic steed model that might make a good starting point for a sorcerer conversion: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...C02_873x627.jpg
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Top notch as always, Attomsk!


I do prefer the chaos knight to the 'evil space harley,' however. I don't have a sorcerer knight, but there are a slew of great Nurgle bits on the plastic plague bearer sprue. I can't recommend it enough for Nurgle conversions.

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I don't have a picture on me, but I'll list what I used to great effect:


Chaos Bike

Ravenwing Robed Biker Legs


Ravenwing Ribed Biker Torso

Staff from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit

Head from the CSM upgrade sprue



Overall, the process was very painless. I only had to shave the symbol off the biker torso, cut the terminator hand to fit properly, and cut the robed legs a tad to fit on the CSM bike. Best of all, I had all the bits in my bitsbox and he's all plastic!


I'll take a pic for you tonight if I remember.

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I don't have a picture on me, but I'll list what I used to great effect:


Chaos Bike

Ravenwing Robed Biker Legs


Ravenwing Ribed Biker Torso

Staff from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit

Head from the CSM upgrade sprue



Overall, the process was very painless. I only had to shave the symbol off the biker torso, cut the terminator hand to fit properly, and cut the robed legs a tad to fit on the CSM bike. Best of all, I had all the bits in my bitsbox and he's all plastic!


I'll take a pic for you tonight if I remember.



Please do so. I'd like to see the finished product.

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Wow, that is a cool looking Sorcerer. He fulfils all the criteria - robes, sorcerer-y hat, chaos mutations. Excellent!


I'm waiting for my robes to turn up from eBay before I can attempt a similar thing. My Lord on his bike looked pretty poor though in comparison.

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