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Falling back and IC's

Drunken Angel

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Okay I am running an all DC list with Astorath and Lemartes plus jump pack DC. I have a hell of a battle on my hands with a nurgle biker, nurgle marine list.


5 JP DC with Lemartes charged a bunch of acolytes with a chaos lord HQ IC in terminator armour. The Chaos Lord and Lemartes went toe to toe in challenge. Lemartes fell in challenge with the lord, the other 5 DC destroyed the acolytes. The DC won combat decisively and the chaos acolytes failed their leadership/morale roll (rolled off the chaos lords leadership) The chaos acolytes are as a result ready to run off the board. Is the chaos lord also required to fall back with them and run off the board or are they fearless as he is. IC's cant leave a unit that lost combat and is falling back but are the acolytes fearless is the lord still fearless. Is the lord seperated from his unit by challenge I am looking real hard please help me. This game is in progress.

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Check the rules on page 39. Because Fearless doesn't specifically say it transfers from unit to character or from character to unit, it does not. Therefore he's Fearless but they are not. However, he's attached to the unit, so he can take the leadership test, meaning Fearless still holds.
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Check the rules on page 39. Because Fearless doesn't specifically say it transfers from unit to character or from character to unit, it does not.

It actually does say that. The character rules on page 39 list the 'Stubborn' special rule as an example of where the rule specifies that the rule is transferred between units and joined characters. And the way the 'Stubborn' rule does that is the same as in the 'Fearless' special rule.


Stubborn --> "When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks..." (p. 43)


Fearless --> "Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass..." (p. 35)

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Check the rules on page 39. Because Fearless doesn't specifically say it transfers from unit to character or from character to unit, it does not.

It actually does say that. The character rules on page 39 list the 'Stubborn' special rule as an example of where the rule specifies that the rule is transferred between units and joined characters. And the way the 'Stubborn' rule does that is the same as in the 'Fearless' special rule.


Stubborn --> "When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks..." (p. 43)


Fearless --> "Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass..." (p. 35)

Whoops I didn't catch that, although my conclusion was the same. Thanks for the correction.

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