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Experience with Thousand Sons and the new codex


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Ive managed to get a couple of games under my belt with my Thousand Sons, and thought I'd share.


I'll break the post down into sections to discuss



Game 1 vs daemons

Ahriman, 2x9TS, 3Tzeentch obliterators, 2 Tz oblits, 5 terminators, 10 CSM, lots of gift of mutation

Powers: Ahriman got firestorm, doombolt, melta beam one, endurance, 1 sorc with firestorm, one doombolt

Gifts: Sorc 1 got +1A, other unworthy offering


Game 2 vs necrons

Lvl3 Tz Sorceror (sigil, spell familiar), 2x8TS, 3Tzeentch obliterators, 5 terminators, 10 CSM, 5 noise marines, 4 blasters, 5 noise marines - ccw's, doom siren lots of gift of mutation

Powers: Sorceror lord got: Endurance, terrify, Boon, 1 sorc with firestorm, one doombolt

Gifts: Lord got unworthy :tu: 1 Asp sorc got eternal warrior, sonic blaster squad champ got cosmic fate, everyone else was unworthy.




I'll say this. Thousand Sons are incredibly durable. Probably in part me being incredibly lucky with 4+ saves. My TS took on a unit of Juggers and a lychguard unit and tied them down for many turns.



Boon Table

The sorc with +1A in Game 1 did alright with the boon table, but the daemons didnt have too many characters


After fluffing most of my boon rolls with gift in G2, my lord got on a roll, and ended up with loads by the end of the game. He finished with:


Cosmic fate, deathstrike (melee attacks cause instant death), +1T, icy aura and a couple more unworthies. Luckily he didn't spawn, but was pretty beastly by the end of the game.



Aspiring Sorcerors

So-so. Their powers did very little over 2 games, game 1 their force weapons were useless, but game two, I managed to force weapon Anrykar, which was awesome.



Psychic Powers

Firestorm is cool in theory, but in practice it killed maybe one necron in 2 games. Mainly due to poor rolling with the strength. Unsure whether I would take it again. Boon doesnt seem like a good idea on a sorceror, unless buffing my HQ sorceror up multiple times per turn (which I may try next game...along with a dark apostle) Doombolt is a nice power, but didnt really get to flex its muscles due to playing daemons and quantum shielded necrons. Infiltrating that beam would be quite nasty.


Endurance on a unit of TS/Terminators was incredible. Getting 'it will not die' on my lord equally incredible (regain wounds lost to boon table...). 2+/4++ FnP termies was a pain for my opponent, and Ill be doing my best to roll on biomancy and get the power when I play.


Speaking of biomancy, it seems to gel best with the champions of chaos rule. If you can beef up your sorceror, then you're onto a winner.




Underperformed. Game 1, I infiltrated him to mid board, he took 2 wounds of a 'thirster with witchfire powers, then got stuck in combat forever with a juggernaught champion, who slowly beat him down over 3 turns. Casting endurance on his unit was great, though. Needs more testing


What I'll be testing:


Ahriman, infiltrating 10 man terminator unit, cultists

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Sounds good. One more question for you: How did the AP3 bolter fire do for you?


The AP3 played virtually no role against the daemons, with the exception of ignoring the 3+ armour on the Bloodthirster when the unit shot at him. The 4++ heleped a lot there, though.


The AP3 helped a lot more vs the necrons. Barring them from taking their armour is great, and means twice as many go down than against regular bolters. The TS did a lot of damage to my opponents troops warriors.


Did you mark your CSM and what will you change to make room for cultists?


No mark at all on the CSM, the only upgrade was the additional CCW, giving me 10 models for 140pts. They worked ok, and mainly hid behind the sons to get a cover save, and wiped the wraiths in combat when they assaulted my sons.


Things I'll be changing:


Dropping Ahriman for a regular sorc. freed up quite a few points (~65)


The noise marines didnt really work in the small units (paying too much for the champs), so next time they'll be used will be as either 10man, bp+ccw, bolters, or 10man, 9xsonic blasters, combi bolter, which should free up around 240pts if I drop both units, or 4opts if I field 1x10man.


The big point sink is the aspiring sorcerors. their powers werent that great, and I almost wish they had a bolter with inferno bolts instead (then I could take boon and still fire the bolter...), so the basic TS squads will be increasing in number.


10 cultists with 9xautoguns costs 59pts, the pts saved by dropping ahriman for the sorceror.


This is a very cheap scoring unit, which can come on from reserve later.


Another option is 20x ap+ccw cultists w/2 flamers at 94pts, but as they advance, they need a fearless babysitter, which I just don't have, unless I put Ahriman back in....wait.


Drop the 10 man CSM squad for 20ccw cultists and 10 autogun cultists. 20 cultists, 2 flamers, Ahriman. Endurance. This could work.

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