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Crusade of Fire


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Still don't feel bad about deleting the post & shifting it to private message. The whole argument's off topic and unproductive, and fighting it makes me more bitter than I would otherwise be. Let's just say "While I acknowledge it's better than our last book, and it's not so awful that I refuse to use it - though how long it can sustain my interest is still in question - I still I find the new codex to be very disappointing, and well below the kind of effort I've come to expect from Mr. Kelly based on his previous work," and leave it at that. If Kol or anyone else wants to continue arguing it with me, they can send me a PM, and I'll respond after I get some sleep, read some homestuck, and watch some kitten videos, and then maybe that way I won't have given myself a hernia arguing over a codex that I don't even think is terrible - just kind of bad and really sadly disappointing.
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By the way, did anyone notice that the special movements for flyers and the special traits for their pilots are missing some of the game's armies? There are no pilot traits for CSM for example. Might be a mistake with the German version, but if it's the same for other language versions of the book, I find that to be an unnecessary flaw of the book (which I otherwise really like a lot).

I refer you to my review back on page 2 I believe. The flyers follow a common sense set up. The Heldrake has no pilot so it doesn't benefit from something for pilots. It's a mechanical monster that happens to have guns and jet engines. Tyranids suffer from the problem that all of their "flyers" are already fast attack jump units. Sisters use the same stuff the Imperial Guard use so they don't benefit from that. So their exclusion actually makes sense, from a common sense point of view. Everything is basically following "Does this army actually have their own unique flyers and do those flyers have pilots?"


But Chaos does, if we look to Forgeworld. Which is also the only place where Tau can get their flayers and pilots from and they've got pilot skills as well.

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Still don't feel bad about deleting the post & shifting it to private message. The whole argument's off topic and unproductive, and fighting it makes me more bitter than I would otherwise be. Let's just say "While I acknowledge it's better than our last book, and it's not so awful that I refuse to use it - though how long it can sustain my interest is still in question - I still I find the new codex to be very disappointing, and well below the kind of effort I've come to expect from Mr. Kelly based on his previous work," and leave it at that. If Kol or anyone else wants to continue arguing it with me, they can send me a PM, and I'll respond after I get some sleep, read some homestuck, and watch some kitten videos, and then maybe that way I won't have given myself a hernia arguing over a codex that I don't even think is terrible - just kind of bad and really sadly disappointing.


Whoops the post was still there when I posted. :lol:

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1) because much FW stuff is official now. 2) because they did. Tau have the pilot rules, and only have fliers via forgeworld. So does the lack of chaos pilot ace whatever rules mean that they're not supposed to have them, even if your group does use FW chaos non-daemonic fliers?, since Tau got them for their forgeworld fliers?


Not a big deal, something that can be worked out with group, not even the biggest area where ad libbing is required. The books good for what it is - a loose description of a campaign run by some studio members to inspire you on how you might homebrew your own. I would have preferred an actual campaign that I could actually run out of the book without having to design it myself, so I ended up passing on it.

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Okayvfair enough. But in a way, that does reinforce the viewpoint that this is a guideline book not just a "here are some new rules" and since the rules are all "special", "optional", "whatever-title-you-can-add-to-it" there really should be no problem adding something and you group accepting it, as Mali suggested.
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Slightly back on topic...




What do everyone think of the Arena fighting rules? I think they might be nice for a quick game against one another. Has anyone tried them? I think they will need tweaking for multiple model games though. Maybe roll D3+highest Initiative and that's is how many card pulls it goes for before moving onto the next turn?

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  • 2 weeks later...
What do everyone think of the Arena fighting rules? I think they might be nice for a quick game against one another. Has anyone tried them? I think they will need tweaking for multiple model games though. Maybe roll D3+highest Initiative and that's is how many card pulls it goes for before moving onto the next turn?


Honestly, I think I have to them a couple of times before I fully understand them :P

When are arena games played during the campaign anyway?


Overall I think the book is solid but nothing too impressive. Also the overall CSM performance is very underwhelming!


Any ideas on how to play the space station & dooms day device scenarios without those terrain setups?

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What do everyone think of the Arena fighting rules? I think they might be nice for a quick game against one another. Has anyone tried them? I think they will need tweaking for multiple model games though. Maybe roll D3+highest Initiative and that's is how many card pulls it goes for before moving onto the next turn?


Honestly, I think I have to them a couple of times before I fully understand them :lol:

When are arena games played during the campaign anyway?


Overall I think the book is solid but nothing too impressive. Also the overall CSM performance is very underwhelming!


Any ideas on how to play the space station & dooms day device scenarios without those terrain setups?


You could always use Painter's tape on your normal table to mark out walkways and bunkers.


Also, save the styrofoam packaging from Tuesday, paint it with thinned white glue so you can spray paint it, and build your own space stations and Zones Mortalii by New Years :tu:

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What do everyone think of the Arena fighting rules? I think they might be nice for a quick game against one another. Has anyone tried them? I think they will need tweaking for multiple model games though. Maybe roll D3+highest Initiative and that's is how many card pulls it goes for before moving onto the next turn?


Honestly, I think I have to them a couple of times before I fully understand them :huh:

When are arena games played during the campaign anyway?


Overall I think the book is solid but nothing too impressive. Also the overall CSM performance is very underwhelming!


Any ideas on how to play the space station & dooms day device scenarios without those terrain setups?


You could always use Painter's tape on your normal table to mark out walkways and bunkers.


Also, save the styrofoam packaging from Tuesday, paint it with thinned white glue so you can spray paint it, and build your own space stations and Zones Mortalii by New Years :)


Home made scenery for the win! I've yet to buy any of GW's scenery kits.

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