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The Fallen


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I have a bunch of unpainted chaos marines that I am soon putting together, I am tryign to decide if I want them to be IW or fallen. I have read enough background to know that the fallen were scattered across time and space so I am wondering if a tabletop force, a large army size would be in keeping with the fluff?

What do you think?

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I was thinking about doing a Fallen force when the new DA dex comes out. My fluff was that the leader found, and recruited Fallen Marines into a cohesive warband with the intent of harassing Imperials and chasing whispers that Luther may still be alive.
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Traditionally the Fallen resort to non-Fallen heretics of several other persuasions in their dastardly deeds against the sons of the Lion and the Emperor. While "anything could happen" in 40K, I would suggest modelling a core of very elite Chaos units (you're the one with the 'dex, you handle that bit :rolleyes:), alongside a large amount of cultists and/or other Chaos marines (maybe even IW? :wallbash: ).
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