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Fun Friday Query!


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So, hilarious result last night that resulted in the thing's demise, but we weren't quite sure how to resolve it accurately. This goes for any/all such mishaps with different vehicles.


A plague drone fired its blast. It scattered so hard that the hole of the blast went behind the drone, still hitting it (it was a short range shot...). So, the blast hits the drone's rear. Or does it?


"The armor penetration roll is resolved against the Armor Value facing the firer, regardless of the position of the marker, using the full Strength of the weapon." (p.73)


The problem is that no AV is facing the firer, since the target is the same model. So, would it be resolved against the Rear armor 10, or the front armor 12?




To add some spice, what about barrage weapons? "Vehicles are always hit on their side armor."




We diced it and as it turned out, the drone took a page from George Carlin and got its goober gun stuffed up and blew it out its :P.

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Hm, since line of fire is drawn from a vehicle's weapon, not from the overall body of the figure, I would be inclined to say that the scattered blast would have hit the front, since that is where the shot was coming from. The "firer" mentioned in the vehicle and blast rule is the firing weapon on a vehicle, and it could also happen that different weapons of a firing vehicle would hit different armour values of a targeted vehicle, depending on both vehicle's positions. The different weapons on a vehicle essentially work like the different squad members when firing weapons. You check range and LOS for each weapon of a vehicle individually. In case of a plague drone's gun, that shot is being fired from the front of the vehicle.
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