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Chaos Terminators in 6th Edition


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I take it you have already filled up your fast slots diablo? If not i would reccomend that you look there instead, because while termies are cool, they are also costly. You get a similarly tough unit in bikers, that can also(with t-boosting) be at any place of the board turn 2, and can bring the hurt with double meltas or plasmas to just about anything. A lord in such a unit would be nice as well as he can be a very high threat with a potential to strike anywhere on the board. The bikers are also much much cheaper than the termies...
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Only have one unit each of Raptors and Bikes, but I simply don't have the spare cash to outfit another unit of either. I made the (admittedly awesome) mistake of building my bikes with the old metal scythed fronts and sides, and they can be rather hard to come by these days. On the other hand, I already own the terminator models and I enjoy them fluffwise, so I want to find a way to make them a fun unit to use, in a way that people might not expect.
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That small Terminator squad seems very brittle for the points it costs; it will lost a lot of value per casualty it takes and even rapid firing Lasguns or Boltguns will take chunks out of you (when you lose a quarter of your unit per failed save I think that counts as a chunk :) )
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I take it you have already filled up your fast slots diablo? If not i would reccomend that you look there instead, because while termies are cool, they are also costly. You get a similarly tough unit in bikers, that can also(with t-boosting) be at any place of the board turn 2, and can bring the hurt with double meltas or plasmas to just about anything. A lord in such a unit would be nice as well as he can be a very high threat with a potential to strike anywhere on the board. The bikers are also much much cheaper than the termies...

yeah but you cant infiltrate bikers. 2x7 terminator units with plasma near your opponents are fun to see . But it is true that if there were fewer SW rune priests around it would be more fun to use them .

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Took an all-Nurgle army up against combi-Tau/Space Marines at 2500 points a couple days ago. I fielded Typhus, 3 squads of 7 Nurgle Terminators, 3 squads of 7 dual-plasma Plague Marines with Rhinos, and 6 Obliterators in 3 sets of 2. He fielded a Crisis commander with 2 3-Crisis suit teams, 3 squads of Fire Warriors, 2 Hammerheads, 3 Broadside suits, 2 squads of Space Marines led by a Master of the Forge, a Razorback, a Venerable Dreadnought, and another Dreadnought in a drop pod. Mission was Big Guns Never Tire, 3 objectives, short-table edge deployment zones.


I planted a Plague squad and 2 Oblits on the objective on my end of the board, deployed the other two Plague squads in their Rhinos behind cover, and kept everything else in reserve for Deep Strike. He built a gunline over his objective with the Venerable Dread, a Fire Warrior squad, and a Hammerhead, then fortified the building on the other side of his deployment zone with the Master of the Forge, another Fire Warrior squad, a squad of SMs with a missile launcher, and the other Hammerhead to provide massed firepower against the open objective in the middle of the board, with all but one of the Crisis teams sitting behind some low cover deeper in to reinforce whereever needed in case his gunlines got hit.


The game ended up being much closer than I felt even remotely comfortable with, thankfully his comedy of errors was much more punishing to him than mine was to me. My big issues came up with the new retarded Obliterator rules about not using the same weapon in subsequent turns, where the sudden lack of 48" range turned into a huge problem every other shooting phase, and of course reserve rolls not going the way I needed them to. In spite of these tribulations, I did manage to win the game by 1 victory point. The Terminators suffered greatly under Tau firepower, T5 just isn't much of a factor against massed Str5 shooting backed up by a crossfire of Str10 railguns and several Crisis-borne flamer templates, and he was putting so many wounds on them that the weight of numbers was just too much for even 2+ to withstand. The first squad of 7 Terminators to come in perished in very short order, but they did succeed long enough for Typhus to vaporize 3/4ths of a Fire Warrior team with Plague Wind and weather enough firepower to survive long enough to get into assault range of the Master of the Forge and his little combat squad of Space Marines when my turn came around again. It took until turn 4 to get the rest of the Terminators onto the board but when they did they basically broke the gunline on the Tau's objective, roadblocked the Crisis teams and the Fire Warriors that were making a run for the open objective, and enabled me to run my other two Plague squads to camp the open objective. I lost Typhus, 14 Terminators, 2 Oblits, and 1 Plague Marine (and 2 of the 3 Rhinos). He lost both Hammerheads, 2 Fire Warrior squads, 1 SM squad, both Dreadnoughts (and the drop pod), and all but the Crisis commander and 1 other Crisis suit. I got him on First Blood and Linebreaker, but he managed to contest the open objective with his Razorback on turn 5 and reduce my lead to 1 when the game ended. Still, a win's a win. Like I said, though, T5 isn't all that hot against a bunch of guys packing Str5 handguns, but 21 Terminators isn't exactly something easily ignored as long as you're okay using them as suicide units or meatshields for someone else (Typhus). I'm 95% certain if the game had continued through turn 6 I'd have shattered everything he had left with that third Terminator squad, the Plague squads and the remaining Oblits, his Master of the Forge and those 3 Broadsides wouldn't have enough guns to stop my advance and I still had a third Plague squad with an untouched Rhino to maintain control of the open objective.


So yeah, Terminator mobs are decent enough if you don't care if they die.

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That small Terminator squad seems very brittle for the points it costs; it will lost a lot of value per casualty it takes and even rapid firing Lasguns or Boltguns will take chunks out of you (when you lose a quarter of your unit per failed save I think that counts as a chunk <_< )



It's not too brittle. I had a squad of very similar to his loadout-wise and they saved my game. It all depends on how you're doing with your 2+ saves really. That and how much plasma your opponent brings.

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So yeah, Terminator mobs are decent enough if you don't care if they die.


Woah dude... Paragraphs...


Nine sentences is a perfectly acceptable paragraph length given the pattern of information as was presented. :cuss

Though that was most likely something that on the internet popularly is called a "wall of text". :)

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So yeah, Terminator mobs are decent enough if you don't care if they die.


Woah dude... Paragraphs...


Nine sentences is a perfectly acceptable paragraph length given the pattern of information as was presented. :cuss

Though that was most likely something that on the internet popularly is called a "wall of text". :)

Read absolutely fine, though, and was a very good report.

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