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Maulerfiends: Lasher Tendrils or Magma Cutters?

Vomikron Noxis

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In the couple of games I've used a Maulerfiend I found the Tendrils to be next to useless because if you get in to combat with something that can get through armour 12 then chances are they can get through with -1 attacks against the 'fiends WS3. For example: A squad of Thunder Hammer terminators will probably destroy you with 10 attacks or 5. Especially bearing in mind that if you charge them then they won't necessarily all be in base-to-base contact at the start of the phase (so other than the initial model that you charged the rest of them won't have their attacks reduced).


In my opinion, if you're attacking something that can't really hurt you then -1 attack will only protect you from a fluke and if you're attacking something that can hurt you then the -1 attack probably won't stop them doing their thing.



The Magma Cutters though I really like. Free melta hits at the end of combat? yes please! Especially if you roll badly on the vehicle damage chart and end up standing in front of a fully armed (but immobilised) tank. If you get stuck in combat with a large unit that can't hurt you then the bonus attacks will help you get through them slightly quicker and may even help you finish them off by increasing the combat resolution stuff.

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