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Helbrute options

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Having several sets of DV I am wondering what to do with my Helbrutes. In game I am probably thinking of taking just one. But I am thinking of modelling several different load-outs so I have options.


And before anyone suggests using magnets, I have 3 Helbrutes already and doubt I woould get much for selling any of them.


My first Helbrute I have built exactly as per DV - i.e. Multi-melta and powerfist.


I have seen a great conversion on these forums:



So how should I convert my other 2 Helbrutes? Plasmacannon, Lascannon, Autocannon?


I was contemplating 1 TL Lascannon & Missile Launcher, plus 1 Reaper Autocannon & Power Fist.


What do you think?





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Thank you ;) Are you going to play fluff wise? If fluff wise, leave the beast with a close-combat arm. Let the dreadnought be an avatar of war ^_^ But a weapon platform would be best overall. Missile launcher for both infantry and vehicle. Multi-melta or lascannon for tank hunting. The rest for infantry. Go for something of that. I go for Plasma cannon and Missile launcher, as you know :P
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Your welcome- it was your lovely conversion that got me thinking what I wanted from my 3 Helbrutes.

I might try to convert one Power Fist arm into Power Scourge.

So given that have already assembled first Helbrute I might go for:


1) Multimelta and Power Fist

2) Lascannon and Power Scourge

3) Plasmacannon/Autocannon and Missile Launcher


(again not intending to use all 3 in a game, just to have options from the 3 models that already have)





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I'm very tempted by a plasma cannon, I think when I get around to adding a helbrute to my warband that's what I'll go for. Reaper is a good weapon but seems a little anaemic as the main armament of a vehicle if you ask me. Versatile and reliable, though.
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I think the thing to remember is that there are other options for the same or similar cost. If you kit it out for combat only, you can probably get a maulerfiend instead, similarly for shooting only you could get more firepower out of havocs. I think it's best when given a cheap gun and power scourge. Reaper auto cannons are my favorite because of how cheap they are, but Multi-meltas aren't bad if you have better luck than I do... Pop a transport and charge the goey bits inside.
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I think the big benefit when compared to the fiends, oblits and havocs is the Hellbrute isn't bad in comparison to them, but more importantly it isn't competing for HS choices like the others are. You can do quite a large mechanised assault using hellbrutes. Hell you can go walker crazy and just use, brutes, fiends and defilers and make something rather nasty.
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I think the thing to remember is that there are other options for the same or similar cost. If you kit it out for combat only, you can probably get a maulerfiend instead, similarly for shooting only you could get more firepower out of havocs. I think it's best when given a cheap gun and power scourge. Reaper auto cannons are my favorite because of how cheap they are, but Multi-meltas aren't bad if you have better luck than I do... Pop a transport and charge the goey bits inside.

I thought you needed one unit to pop the transport and a different unit to charge the unit inside?

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I think the thing to remember is that there are other options for the same or similar cost. If you kit it out for combat only, you can probably get a maulerfiend instead, similarly for shooting only you could get more firepower out of havocs. I think it's best when given a cheap gun and power scourge. Reaper auto cannons are my favorite because of how cheap they are, but Multi-meltas aren't bad if you have better luck than I do... Pop a transport and charge the goey bits inside.

I thought you needed one unit to pop the transport and a different unit to charge the unit inside?



Check out page 80, the last paragraph before the flyers section.

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