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Bike loadout feedback


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Hi guys,


I have 4 bike models at my disposal for Chaos Space Marines, and i was thinking of building 2 with melta guns, one regular biker, and a champion with lightning claw abd melta bombs. I think this is a good use of the models?


All feedback welcome!

They sound pretty cool, and I would love to see pictures once they are built.


But I don't understand the lightning claws. A pair costs the same as 1.5 bikers, the only thing they get you is rerolls in close combat, and the rest of the unit is anti-vehicle. To be honest, 2 more bikers would go a long way towards ensuring your meltas get to do their job.

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Hi guys,


I have 4 bike models at my disposal for Chaos Space Marines, and i was thinking of building 2 with melta guns, one regular biker, and a champion with lightning claw abd melta bombs. I think this is a good use of the models?


All feedback welcome!

They sound pretty cool, and I would love to see pictures once they are built.


But I don't understand the lightning claws. A pair costs the same as 1.5 bikers, the only thing they get you is rerolls in close combat, and the rest of the unit is anti-vehicle. To be honest, 2 more bikers would go a long way towards ensuring your meltas get to do their job.


Agreed. Claws are to much, just do a maul, sword or even a lance.


x2 meltaguns is the best way to go. Can pop a Land Raider and then assault the goodies inside.


If you manage to get some more models, bigger bike units tend to work out better as they get focused hard by most opponents.

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Thanks for the fast replys!


With the bits ive got i might just have 2x melta guns, a normal guy, and a champion with melta bombs. Do i really need a power weapon on the champion or should i just keep him cheap? I probably wont be buying any more bikes so it might just be a small 'seek and destroy' unit. Thats not a bad use for 4 bikers is it?

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that depands . is this the biker unit without an HQ ? if yes then a naked champ and 2 melta bikers is probably enough , 4 smells of 1850+pts games. but if this happens to be the unit your biker HQ joins then 4-5 dudes is better and a champion with a single LC aint bad.
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x2 meltaguns is the best way to go. Can pop a Land Raider and then assault the goodies inside.


They can?



If you use them as a melta delivery unit 2 bikes and a naked champ are enough.

If they will be joined by an ICa bigger unit is better. The question is: What weapons to take on such a squad if any?

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If you use them as a melta delivery unit 2 bikes and a naked champ are enough.

Not a very reliable unit though, unless the enemy vehicles you want to destroy are headed towards your table edge. If you have to go hunt them from the opponenent's table edge, having no "buffer" for the melta guys just means dead bikes before they get to do anything, even if they turbo-boost for 4++.

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x2 meltaguns is the best way to go. Can pop a Land Raider and then assault the goodies inside.


They can?



If you use them as a melta delivery unit 2 bikes and a naked champ are enough.

If they will be joined by an ICa bigger unit is better. The question is: What weapons to take on such a squad if any?


Yes, if you destroy a vehicle in your shooting phase that same unit can assault the unit that was in that vehicle.



Bikers work better in semi larger units.

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x2 meltaguns is the best way to go. Can pop a Land Raider and then assault the goodies inside.


They can?



I don't think so.

He may be referring to different outcomes the meltas may have in the shooting phase (Shaken, stunned, immobilized (and the player disembarks), wreck, explodes!) and leaving the unit somewhat defenseless to a next turn charge, should the bikers survive.


The rule book is very specific, 'a unit that fired in the shooting phase can only charge the unit that it targeted during that turn's shooting phase.' (Little Rule book, pg 20 Assault Phase>Charge Sub-Phase>Declare Charge.) And the dedicated transport entry doesn't mention that the vehicle counts are part as the unit.

But, I could have missed something or searched to narrowly.



Anyways, to Redwunz

I agree with the idea that unless the enemy gets aggressive with his vehicles and begins to rapidly advances on your table edge the chances of the bikers making it to a vehicle are low. If a unit has a solid shooting phase it could easily force a morale check, or kill the better part of the unit. But you could get tricky with it and hold the bikes in reserve and hope that your opponent forgets they are there.


I understand that you are limited with the models you have to work with, I think that the champ with melta bombs would be a solid choice, or if you feel like you need it, a power maul for some extra umph (but it would seem redundant with the melta bombs, cause that's what you would use to kill the vehicle), it wouldn't be bad if you decided to charge the bikers into a unit holding an objective to try to break them, but it would probably mean the death of you bikers.

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They can?

I don't think so.

Sure they can, as Smurfalypse said. "If a transport is destroyed by a shooting attack, any unit that shot it that turn can, if allowed, charge the now disembarked passengers." Page 80 of the rulebook. "If allowed" refers to having fired heavy weapons and such which prevent charging.

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They can?

I don't think so.

Sure they can, as Smurfalypse said. "If a transport is destroyed by a shooting attack, any unit that shot it that turn can, if allowed, charge the now disembarked passengers." Page 80 of the rulebook. "If allowed" refers to having fired heavy weapons and such which prevent charging.


I stand corrected! Thanks!

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