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The Works of the Mighty Magnefjord - New Artwork 30/09/2014


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Looks great!!


My only suggestion is possibly use a watered down wash/glaze to merge the various highlights a bit more?


Thankyou :) And Yea, I would happily do that, if I only knew how to use glazes.. But the chaplain is just painted up quickly to get it out of the way, but thankyou anyways for the tip.

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  • 2 months later...

I apologise for my lack of updates of late, I've taken a little break from the hobby for a bit :) But you dont have to wait for that much longer, coz nezt in line for painting is: Hellbrute ;) I'm looking forward to painting it and I hope you guys will like it too :) 

Have yourselves a good weekend brothers 

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If you don't edge highlight strong, you're taking half the fun out of the hobby. Great work, brother!


Thankyou, and I'm not very sure on how to do edge highlights, I'm still just playing around with the paints and experimenting, and trying new things all the time (after 12 years) :) I dont mean to play with any of these, I just play around with them and trying out new colors and techniques on them for the fun of it 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an update for you guys, then Hellbrute is still in progress, his base is about 90% finished at the moment so I haven't started on the Hellbrute itself yet, but it's not that far off now. But I have managed to finish another 2 cultists for you, of which I will show you here today. As you might have guessed I am a pretty slow painter, and an easily distracted one at that, so please have patience with me and you will see more of this kit in time. Enough blabbering, here's your pictures :)







And a groupshot of the 3 together :)


As always guys, Q&Q are most welcome :) Have a nice new year!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

If anyone has wonderings to why I decided to change the name of this thread, I felt I needed something for all of my projects so it seemed easier to do this. And I think I have now officially lost my mind, since I can not seem to find it anywhere... Osby is the town in which I live, so I am now an Osbyian , there by the mad Osbyian :) Have a nice weekend, and keep an eye open for some incoming updates in the next few days.

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Here's two of my Deathwing bikers, please excuse the poor paintjob, I just wanted to get them out of the way quickly so that I could start on some other things. I might go over them again some time in the future to better on the paintjob. Either way, I hope you like them :)






Any comments and qritique are always welcome brothers :) I'm thankful for any and all tips or advice

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  • 2 weeks later...

As the slow painter I am, I thought that as you wait for another figurine to get finished I'd give you a group shot of some of my best or favurite figurines. If there's anyone amongst them that you want a closer look ar you let me know and I'll put them up as soon as I can :)





Hope you guys like them :) Have a nice weekend

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

The Battle of Ahri's Pass

The Unnamed

They emerged from the smoke, three of them, armoured giants clad in green armor, standing over 2meters tall, striding through the flames around their feet, oblivious to the heat and the hail of bullets flying around them. Fearless they marched, through the lines of covering PDF troopers, slowly towards the enemy line. On the shoulders could be seen one lone rune, an ancient symbol from long befor the Imperium, now the symbol of the mighty warriors of the Unnamed, the chapter that had come to answer the PDF's call for aid in their fight against the greenskin invaders. The greenarmored giants were now almost on top of the Ork line, two of them unfolding long claws, wreathed in crackling energy fields, from their gauntlets, as the third giant, larger than his two brothers unleashed a storm of fire into the greenskins, pulverising a dozen of them in seconds. At his sides his brothers joined in the carnage, slashing and tearing up their enemies. Behind them, their courage renewed by the sight of the giant warriors, the PDF troops charged the xenos, His Angels were with them and the greenskin invaders would soon learn that the people of Ahri's Pass would not give in so easily.


This story would serve as an introduction to my newly created DIY chapter, The Unnamed. I'll have a few figurines for you guys soon, in the meantime, tell me what you think. smile.png Have a nice evening

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