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I put the lightining claw on him as I thought it looked cool, plus it's the same pts cost as the power sword, yet a bit better agaisnt non 3+ targets due to shred


Each attack is slightly better, but remember that because the claw is a specialist weapon you'll have one less attack than you would with a sword. The mathhammer works out identically for 2 claw or 3 sword attacks against almost everything I've run it on, so I'm not sure either is really better than the other.

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Each attack is slightly better, but remember that because the claw is a specialist weapon you'll have one less attack than you would with a sword. The mathhammer works out identically for 2 claw or 3 sword attacks against almost everything I've run it on, so I'm not sure either is really better than the other.


Not enough of a difference to be significant. For all intents and purposes, the two weapons are identical.


This gives us some modeling options, and thanks to the new Raptors box, we have plenty of bits.



Are people taking melta bombs as a standard "what if?" kind of upgrade?

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CSM Champs: Powersword and possibly Meltabombs.

Cultist Champs: Nothing.

Noise Marine Champs: Powersword and Doomsiren.

Plague Marine Champs: Nothing, possibly Meltabombs.

Berzerker Champs: Powersword and possibly Meltabombs.


Raptor Champs: Powersword, possibly Meltabombs.

Biker Champ: Powersword, possibly Meltabombs.


Possessed/Warptalon/Havoc Champs: Nothing.

Terminator and Chosen Champs depends on what the rest of the unit carries.


Some of my champions on occasion bear the Icon as well. It has it up's (Get Lo:S, harder to Barrage-snipe, 1 less important model to worry about) and down's (Forced challenges, if the champ dies, then twice the impact.).


As noted, I'm no big fan of neither Gift of Mutation (costs to much on champions) nor Powerfists (changed meta -> less vehicles, and forced challenge sucks even more if you strike at I1.)


My Plague Marines ideally will advance early and blow up something important with a high AV. For this they carry 2 meltaguns and the champ has a combi-melta. Next, they probably get charged for which they are the best unit I have given the improved toughness and FnP. My champ also carries a power axe in case the thing they exploded was a land raider full of terminators. Curious why you keep yours naked.


Also, why would you Gift of Mutation your bikers but not anyone else? Does the biker just seem able to put the GoM to better use because of his mobility or toughness? Does the fact he costs so many more points make the GoM a better investment on him? If so, then it would seem in line to take GoM on the terminator champion as well.

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Curious why you keep yours naked.


He comes with a Plaguesword by default, that's usually enough.

I don't really feel my PM squads needs to be more expensive than they already are. If I were to give him something though (if I had spare points), it would be a Power Axe.


Also, why would you Gift of Mutation your bikers but not anyone else? Does the biker just seem able to put the GoM to better use because of his mobility or toughness? Does the fact he costs so many more points make the GoM a better investment on him? If so, then it would seem in line to take GoM on the terminator champion as well.


I think you have missread at some point: I don't put GoMutation on my biker-champ.

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Curious why you keep yours naked.


He comes with a Plaguesword by default, that's usually enough.

I don't really feel my PM squads needs to be more expensive than they already are. If I were to give him something though (if I had spare points), it would be a Power Axe.


Also, why would you Gift of Mutation your bikers but not anyone else? Does the biker just seem able to put the GoM to better use because of his mobility or toughness? Does the fact he costs so many more points make the GoM a better investment on him? If so, then it would seem in line to take GoM on the terminator champion as well.


I think you have missread at some point: I don't put GoMutation on my biker-champ.


Yup, I clearly misread something.

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He comes with a Plaguesword by default, that's usually enough.

"Plague knife", which is an important difference if playing an Epidemus-list since they don't get buffed by one of the steps there...


And fun fact, plague champions don't have a "close combat weapon" so they can't change it out for a weapon from the melee weapon list. They have to change their bolt pistol and can only ever take one thing... :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure a plague knife is a sort of close combat weapon... Although, I am now tempted to only swap the bolt pistol out for a power axe, so I can either go at I3 with 3 poisoned attacks, or at I1 with 3 str 5 ap1 attacks :rolleyes:
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"Plague knife", which is an important difference if playing an Epidemus-list since they don't get buffed by one of the steps there...


Well I don't, so it doesn't matter.


And fun fact, plague champions don't have a "close combat weapon" so they can't change it out for a weapon from the melee weapon list. They have to change their bolt pistol and can only ever take one thing...



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