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Advice for Chaos Newbie

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Hey guys,


Recently got hold of the chaos codex - after having ordered it over a month ago. I've read everything in it over 24 hours :D.


However I'm not entirely sure what to do with to create a realistic army. I'm not in the mood for tournament power armies, I'm looking for something that'll be fun to play, realistic yet slightly competitive.

I have narrowed down the two factions I love the most over previous readings and numerous Black Library books - Iron Warriors and the Alpha Legion. The point is the thing I love about the Alpha Legion is there ability to take down worlds with a single man, rather than their army forces. Also I'm not entirely sure how to make sure that you get a tricksy intelligent army. Cause you can't guarantee the Master of Deception Warlord trait. Except with Ahriman and Blackheart neither of which embody the Alpha Legion.


The Iron Warriors are slightly easier to set up, lots of guns basically. But I'm unsure which exactly. Especially with the huge number of Heavy Support options. I do like the Forgefiends but other than that not sure where to go. Also where to go with troops. I know the standard troops are quality, however Cultist flesh shields could be fun - especially since that sticks with the Iron Warriors background.


Anyway what I'm asking is what you suggest for both the above "Legions" from the new codex. And the good stuff in general - but again I don't want to be tournament topping I want the feel of either of the above legions.




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For Alpha Legion, I believe it's a bit more than popular to use Huron Blackheart (or proxy him) to take advantage of his rules. He's kinda beef cake at that, though it does take away some of the whole "make your own guy!" theme, maybe you could just ask your opponent if you could pay 10-15 points more and have one of your characters have the ability? Most Non Try-Hards wouldn't mind I don't think. It's not like you're asking to have Dreadknights with them or something.
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Or as an alternative, talk to your opponent about both of you just picking your Warlord Traits if an Infiltrating army is really what you want.


For Iron Warriors, like you said, a lot of guns. For what kind? I'd lend more towards taking Vindicators, Defilers and Ecto-Fiends to keep with the siege engine aspect of things.

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Why don't you mix it up and make it a hybrid war and of both? Your Lord could be an IW warlord who has made a name for himself by bringing down imperial strongholds by bashing down the front door; you could then have an Alpha sorcerer, marked by Tzeench who has rewarded him for his deception and is reknowned for sneaking in the window while opponents aren't looking. They have combined their might to work their way toward a world which neither has been able to win for themselves just yet. Double crossing could ensue at any moment...


Your force could then be a mix of heavy artillery (daemon engines, havocs, gun lines etc) from the IW contingent, and heavy numbers, quick hitting squads (raptors, CSMs, chosen etc) from your Alphas. Both could justify some meat shield cultists. The Warpsmith model would look great for a little conversion work to make it Chaos Lord worthy...


And the paint scheme on the table would look pretty striking...

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I think you should use a Huron "counts-as" model at least. I know that the actual Huron model is not really for alpha legion, but there should be no reason why you can't use the rule set on a model that is pretty much the same size and call him Hydron Blackheart or some other fluffy rubbish. At least that way you could use the rules and field the army you want.
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I was never one for playing count as models unless i could create a history behind them. And I'm not sure what I can make with Huron explaining the different weapons, and special rules he has. I'll see what I can come up with.


I am intrigued by the idea of a joint army. Cause the Alpha Legion's intelligence would be a great boon to those of the Iron Warriors being able to stake out the enemy for the huge guns of iron.

This could work.

Although need a dual HQ almost and I would love to be able to make my own Chaos Lord... Looking at making Honsou - however you spell his name from Uriel Ventris stories.

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To be honest, since I mentioned it yesterday, I've been intrigued myself. From an aesthetic, gameplay and fluff contrast, I think it would be interesting. Go for it. And please post pics, and let me know where and when you post them please.
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Bringing this back up, what about Allies potentially?

I don't see using deamons despite how much press they seem to be getting at the minute.

But maybe Guardsmen to increase the "Iron Warriors" section

possibly something like Eldar (not sure if that can happen don't have rulebook on me) for great psychic defence...



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possibly something like Eldar (not sure if that can happen don't have rulebook on me) for great psychic defence...


Nope.jpeg.mpeg. No Eldar Allies for us. However, Dark Eldar can be kept at arms distance with Desperate Allies, but unless you're doing something super fluffy it's hardly worth it. I don't have much experience with the Dark Eldar codex, but people seem to not like it much.


As you can see here, I think that IG would fit the siege motif with the manticore or basilisk options that would become available.

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