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What is a Chaos Lord of Tzeentch?


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I actually just saw that show completely by accident. And I really do have to wonder if he always had the entire thing planned out but surely there's no way he could have. Still, he definitely does fit in the category, I'll give the little terd that.
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If anyone has read the Belisarius series by Eric Flint/David Drake ( Free First book here ) Belisarius is the competent Tzeentch lord you've always pictured yourself to be.


Before his first battle in the series, while parlaying with the enemy spokesman, he lets it drop that his spies have uncovered that the enemy pay-chest departed early. This further causes:

1) Unnerves the enemy, by showing that his spies are faster than the enemy's official communications.

2) Causes his incompetent co-generals to be captured by the enemy while they were trying to loot the chest for themselves, leaving him in solitary command of his army

3) Because the enemy calvary were out looking for the chest to protect it, then having to capture his co-generals, they weren't at the battle

4) Which allowed him to use his own calvary to flank the enemy, forcing a quick surrender.

5) Which gives him lots of noblemen to ransom back, making him rich

6) Which he uses to pay bonuses to the men, making them extremely loyal

7) And the word of his bonuses for victories means that he gets to pick and chose his recruits, and soon has the best army in the empire.





and the original rumor he spoke was false!

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I recall previously that the MoT forced characters to be sorcerers - always irked me that it removed half the fluff about Tzeentch (the non-sorcerer, manipulative traits) in doing so.


You can always provide psychic powers using a sorcerer or allied daemons.


I rather like the idea of a scheming lord who has no psychic powers of his own, but who summons daemons to augment his and his followers' abilities. Perhaps he knows the correct rituals, or perhaps he's studied it "scientifically" and summons them using sonic vibrations and coloured lenses (plus, you know, just a touch of brutal human sacrifice).

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Again, I'd seriously advise reading the likes of the Liber Chaotic: Tzeentch and Fantasy Flight's Tome of Tzeentch addition to Black Crusade; both provide various different examples of Tzeentch followers (not to mention unwitting puppets) who boast little to no psychic prowess whatsoever. The most classic examples are politicians, academics, scientists, philosophers, lawyers and the like, but Tzeentch's influence also overlaps with Slaanesh's in certain key areas, in that Tzeentch also favours poets, artists, revolutionaries; those who seek to expand or alter the status in which they live somehow. He also has influence in areas that are criminally under explored, such as insanity and obsession; those obsessed by and driven into madness by their own visions, or whose minds operate beyond any proscribed parameter, all feed the Changer of Ways.
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  • 2 weeks later...

With the FAQ out has anyone rethought this? Now that you can give the scrolls to a lord and give him psychic ability it seems an idea. Not exactly a bargain, but I want to try this out:


Lord w/MoT, bike, scrolls, sigil, spell familiar, lightning claw. Can't remember exactly but should be somewhere around 200 points.


3++, T5, decent CC. The random spell stinks, as does the ap1 hit. Now the question is, could this be viable? Does the math support living through the auto hit? Is a spell familiar better than VotLW?






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Niccolo Machiavelli



Napoleon Bonapartè (was highly visonary and had "good intentions" ("humanistic" and wellmeaning for an "Emperor"-type dictator anyway), but his vision, like with so many servants of tzeentch, betrayed him in the end as he chewed over far too much).


Manipulative, secretive, hoarder of knowledges best forgotten. The the truth that the Lion forgot to tell his pups is that the 1st Legion is clearly marked by Lord Tzeentch himself :D

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Not saying you are wrong, but the right people Hitler was considered "well-intentioned."


Actually I'm surprised no one mentioned him since he was able to take over his own country(granted it was after a failed coup), build and indoctrinate an army of youths under the world's nose, get a treaty with Russia to take several countries without force and then took the world by surprise with a Blitzkrieg. And then he had the traditional "Epic Fail" to top it all off.

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Yes, but Hitler was a moron who got lucky.


He failed at literally everything he tried to do, until he muttered something at the right time in the right place and got elected figurehead leader of the german socialist party.

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Kol - but, arguably, it takes planning and intelligence to claim credit for making those nudges, not just luck (speaking in abstract terms again).


TVTropes will steal your soul. >> Now THAT is truly the work of the Changer of Ways.

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Thirst, just saying that for better or worse, he was either lucky, or had a brain and was unlucky or some melding of the two. Not saying to condone him, hate him or anything else. Just that he was there and this is what happened.
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I know Kol, that's why I said keep it to a minimum - discussion is allowed but it needs to be carefully applied lest it get out of hand.


Miko, it does seem likely that the only one able to accumulate so much knowledge and crossover links to create such a thing as TV Tropes would be Tzeentch

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Yes, but Hitler was a moron who got lucky.


He failed at literally everything he tried to do, until he muttered something at the right time in the right place and got elected figurehead leader of the german socialist party.


National Socialist party, Miko :P


In political theory, there is a some what large difference between socialist party and National Socialism ;)

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Primary difference being that the National Socialism was consider Facist and Imperialistic, not Socialist if I am not mistaken. I don't know political theory all that well but I do remember there being tension between Hitler and the SA which was socialist wasn't it?
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Hitler was definitely not a lord of tzeentch, a pawn of tzeentch perhaps though...


...now Putin on the other hand, who has managed to stay in power for an extremely unnatural length of time in a "democracy", that would most likely be a better tzeentch lord...

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as the laws of the internet goes, when a discussion turns to anything hitler/nazi related, everybody involved have allready lost, no matter the outcome or arguments involved.




to get atleast somewhat back on topic:


my own tzeentch warband is allmost entirely commanded by non-psykers. it have many lords however, most of which sits as actual lords, governing a small feudal world in their passtime...

psykers serve more practical purposes, mostly used as advisors and cummunicators, aswell as summoners of daemons, but it is the lords that runs the show with great political and tactical skills. also, most sorcerors of tzeentch are logically quite unstable in many ways, so it makes sense to have a more stable individual at the head of the thinking and ruling of a warband/world

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