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What is a Chaos Lord of Tzeentch?


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Tzeencht Lords:


Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish from Game of Thrones

Warlord Zsinji from the Star Wars Wraith Squadron novels

Jarlaxle Baenre from R.A. Salvatore's "Legacy of the Drow" and "The Sellswords" series

Jianna the Witch Queen from David Gemmell's "White Wolf" and "The Swords of Night and Day" books

The Mayor of Sunnydale, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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I just want to point out that you don't need to be a psyker to be a sorcerer. So while many Tzeentch lords exist or at least start out being pretty 'normal' if Tzeentch wants you to shoot beams of sunshine out of your fingers... You can kick and scream all you want... Tzeentch will make it happen.

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Not quite, Hellios. You can still choose not to study sorcery. The chaos gods don't force anything. They don't mind control their minions. Well, Tzeentch doesn't, anyway. Half the point of the game is putting the right people in the situations that mean they have to make that choice for themselves. :D

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Not quite, Hellios. You can still choose not to study sorcery. The chaos gods don't force anything. They don't mind control their minions. Well, Tzeentch doesn't, anyway. Half the point of the game is putting the right people in the situations that mean they have to make that choice for themselves. biggrin.png

Tell that to my friend Mr.Spawn. Then there is a whole nature/nurture debate I don't want to get into, as well as freewill/causation.

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Not quite, Hellios. You can still choose not to study sorcery. The chaos gods don't force anything. They don't mind control their minions. Well, Tzeentch doesn't, anyway. Half the point of the game is putting the right people in the situations that mean they have to make that choice for themselves. biggrin.png

Just because you don't actively study anything doesn't mean that you don't have powers.

This is represented in game by Wyrd powers in inquisitor - minor psychic abilities that a character innately just knows how to do, and in fluff in the TS books where the remembrancers are latent psykers that know an objects history by touching it etc.

Psykers channel the warp, Sorcerors bargain with daemons for a measure of their power.

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I would say that the title sorcerer is just applied to anyone schooled in more dangerous and taboo psychic powers but it doesn't necessarily mean bargains with daemons, a lot of the time it might involve daemons but not always, but always forbidden powers.

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Any suitably subtle politician coul be considered a Lord of Tzeentch:

-Hitler's ability to play factions off each other and orchestrate attacks without bing directly implicated (particularly if you believe he was behind Kristalnacht and the Reichstag fire)

-Lincoln's ability to hold the Union together and gt his will made manifest - he appears particularly Tzeentch-esque in the film 'Lincoln' whn he describes how he used a paradox created by his abusing the constituion to enact the Emancipation Proclamation and his indirect manipulating of factions and individuals for the final vote. He is a particularly successful Tzeentch lord as he never actually breaks the law.


Lysander in the Architect of Fate story he is in is a good example of how a Tzeentch Lord might act, bar the peity and loyalty to a false god.

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Just finished re-watching the Dark Knight, and I am kind of surprised that no one has mentioned the Joker. It becomes increasingly obvious even when he claims to be "a man without a plan" and derides several other characters for being "schemers"... all while staying two steps ahead of everyone else.


And I seem to recall an interpretation from the comics, that a possible cause of his insanity is that he is more "aware" of reality than everyone else, possibly even to the extent that he knows he is a fictional character. Going mad due to a great revelation is both very Lovecraftian, and very Tzeentchy.

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I think that a Tzeentch Chaos Lord is mostly a superb strategist, his province is the game of war, where his units are his chess pieces and the enemy general his prize. I kinda see him as a person wholly devoted to the study of war, much like an Autarch of the Eldar. He is the undisputed master of logistics, strategy, planning and flawless execution of his ruthless but highly reflected tactics. Such a Lord has little time or need to devote himself to the study of the arcane but his scholary pursuits take him across the galaxy to test himself against the greatest enemy generals, to win against them or to study at their feet. Such an obsessive personality, the warrior scholar, is indeed a superb pawn for Tzeentch and a great boon for the Legions of Change. 


A Tzeentch lord can have whole libraries devoted to the texts of warfare, his encyclopedic knowledge applied to the knowledge of the art of war and every his waking moment passed by planning or executing his wars, which to him are games, he is the executive while the sorcerers are the thinkers, the minds behind the lord. I presume that such a lord would have ample knowledge in the use of daemons, human auxiliaries, legionnaires and spaceships at his command. 

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Not sure if that would be on topic, but I remembered one of my favorite quests in video games. in warhammer online as chaos chosen of Tzeentch you need to capture reiksguard castle. in order to do that you find a son of the castle commander, infect his beloved with chaos mutation, give him a false hope of healing, kill all priests, that could help him. And then witch hunter arrives to find a taint of chaos, you kill him in front of commander's son, and then convince him to betray his father to save his love. He opens gates to the castle, chaos forces rush in and slaughter everyone.

I like this 'cause it's all schemes and done by a hulking brute in heavy armor with giant sword.

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