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Challenge Confusion


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So here is a single situation that brought up a TON of question for me and my gaming group. Mainly asking these q's so that I know what to do when using my CSM's


Necron Nemesor Zahndrek is on a CCB, Obyron is also on the table within a unit of Immortals.


A Hive Tyrant chooses to assault the Nemesor.


1. I thought I heard someone say embarked models can resolve overwatch but can't seem to find that in the BRB.

2. Is the assault resolved against the chariot or the IC?


Nemesor is on a chariot so he can't accept or issue a challenge, got that.


3.Does Obyron phase to the Nemesor's side right when assaul is declared, or after the move is made? What if the charge roll isn't sufficient?


Obyron phases out of his current unit and piles into the assault on the Nemesor.


4. Does the challenge automatically get re-directed to Obyron?

5. If somehow there is no challenge and the Tyrant attacks are directed at the unit as a whole, do you keep track of missed hits for "Cleaving Counterblow"? Counterblow states "when enemies attempt to strike OBYRON in close combat etc...but if the attacks are at the unit as a whole, since they can be allocated to him does that bring counterblow into play?

6. If a character stands back up from ever-living/reanimation protocols, is he automatically locked back into the challenge?

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1. not sure yet.


2. Both as they are seperate but one. PG. 82 of small BRB Accordingly, the rider of the chariot is treated as being in base contact with all evemy models that are themselves in contact with the chariot. This means that the chariots rider can both strike and be struck by such models. note that, as a vehicle, the chariot and its rider whilst embarked cannot be locked in combat..


so the attacks can hit him or the chariot or both and he cannot not be locked in combat or challenged. and Oberion would activate as Zahndrekh was assualted which sucks as it puts him out in the open we would activate and be placed in base contact with the enemy. So if the assualt is a failed one the Obyron is again left out in the open.


PG. 61 Necron dex. If an enemy unit launches an assualt on Zahndreks unit, obyron immediately leaves his unit and must PILE in to that combat. And the Attacks have to be directed at Obyron for counter blow to work.


6. No he is not in the challange as the challange ended he stands back up and joins the unit again if its still there or if the unit is not there then he is out in the open.

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Pg 80 BRB says a unit on a transport can indeed fire overwatch.


Does the controller of an enemy unit really have the option to pick between the two seeing as how once in base contact with the chariot, the IC would be considered in CC?


If a model that chooses to assault has the option to assault either the chariot or the character embarked, would Obyron still phase in if the assault was declared against the chariot, and distance rolled is sufficient?

Also if this is allowed, would assaulting the chariot itself allow Nemesor to fire overwatch?


Obyron's special rule states "furthermore, if an enemy unit launches an assault on Zahndrekh's unit, Obyron immediatley leaves his uit and must pile in to that combat....." BRB pg20 3rd bullet says "once overwatch is resolved, roll the charge distance for the unit and, if it is in range, move it into contact with the enemy unit-this is sometimes called 'launching an assault'" this leads me to believe that Obyron will not phase into Zahndrekh's combat until an enemy unit gets a model into base contact with him.


Since challenges are issued at the start of the fight sub-phase (BRB Pg 64), Obyron would already be piled in at this point, (based on what I mentioned above) if a challenge is issued at this point then it can only be directed at Obyron since Zahndrekh can't accept/issue or be locked in combat.


In this situation, if Obyron ends up being the challengee, then yes, counterblow would come into play. But other than that, it looks like the only way for counterblow to happen is A. Be in a challenge. B. Be the only model in a unit in CC. or C. The attacks from models actually in B2B with him are dorected at him.


Since Ever-Living/Reanimation Protocol rolls are made at the end of each phase, the combat would already have been resolved. Therefore standing back up would not automatically put the model back into the challenge. Although, the ever-living rule states "if the model was locked in close combat when it 'died', and the combat is ongoing, then it must immediatley pile in." So if said model is a character of any type, it will have the option to reissue\accept a challenge at the start of the next fight sub-phase.

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Yes the controller of an enemy unit would be able to strike boths as the vehicle (chariot) and character are both considered to be in CC PG. 82 under fighting from a chariot.


Yes Obyron would still phase cause Zahndrekh and the Chariot are considered a unit and its when him and or his unit are assualted PG 61 Vargards Duty. (if an enemy unit launches an assualt on Zahndrekhs unit, Obyron immediately leaves his unit)


Yes he would be able to accecpt the challange as it is at the begining of the fight sub-phase and he would be there before that phase due to his rule.


Yes on the counterblow only in challange or the only model in CC or directed at him.


“Enemy misses that occur

on or after Obyron’s Initiative step do not generate bonus




yes on the ever-living as far as what you wrote.

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