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Greetings from a spikey noob


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Hi everyone. I'm brand new to Chaos, I picked up the codex, dark vengeance and a box of chaos marines yesterday. Obviously the Dark Vengeance troops loadouts are fairly limited, but I was wondering what you guys suggest as for as a loadout for the extra 10 marines?
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It really depends on what Legion/Warband you plan on playing as well. But if you want a basic loadout, alot of people run the 10 marines with a Champ (with your choice of melee weapon), 2 Plasmas/Meltas/Flamers and an icon of whatever looks good to you :D


All of us are still playing with the codex so I personally can't say for sure what is competitive and what isn't, but hopefully this will give you a fairly balanced Marine Squad for starters.


Good luck with us on the dark side, and DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR!!!



EDIT: Also, if you're happy with the layout of the Dark Vengeance models, you can always use one of those to represent your Aspiring Champs as well. I know alot of players also use the Chosen hamp as a Dark Apostle which looks pretty cool most of the time.

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Some people are still going the two Melta route, while most are going the Two Plasma. With the DV set and a box of ten Chaos Marines, it will be far easier for you to build one marine with a Plasma and either use an entire Marine from the Dark Angels minis or to "salvage" his plasma weapon for the squad, as there are no meltas that I am aware of in the DV set and there is only one in the box of CSM. After that, the best thing to do would be to give the Squad the Mark of Nurgle for that +1 Toughness and when loading out your Champion, the best thing to do would be to give him a power weapon. Most people are sticking with either the power sword or power maul as they still let you strike at Initiative. However if you choose and you are willing to spend the extra points, you could give him a Lightning Claw, which lets him re-roll failed To Wound rolls.


Also, the Dual Plasma does force your squad into a "shooty" mode. It means that it is strongly suggested that you keep your bolters on your Marines, although if you should choose to do so, you can still add CCW so you don't have to be scared of a total slaughter if/when your squad is charged. While CC won't be your target, it can't hurt to be ready for it.


EDIT: On the assumption that you happen to have a bitz box and either a spare Flamer or Melta floating around, you can instead run two of thosein the Squad, slap on Mark of Khorne or Slaanesh and gear it as an Assualt Squad. That would be twenty points cheaper than the Dual Plasma-MoN squad, assuming same weapon for Champion is bought for both.

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Yep, Kol Saresk brings up some other good points as well. It also depends on the type of army that you want to play as well (which I left out). Plasmas would definitely make the squad have more "dakka" as the inferior greenskins would say, but Meltas would still allow you to shoot a transport and charge the juicy people found inside xD


Ultimately, they are both awesome builds and work either way I would say.


Also, all credit for this aid belongs to the Night Lords ;)


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Thanks for the quck replies. I do have access to a bitz box full of Loyalist goodies so I'm sure I can find a suitable special weapon there. As for Warband, I was thinking of doing some traitor Imperial Fists. I can't help but look at the chaos lord and see what Sigismund would've become had he fallen. But I'm not 100% about that, I might go another route. Thanks again for the advice.
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However if you choose and you are willing to spend the extra points, you could give him a Lightning Claw, which lets him re-roll failed To Wound rolls.

The Lightning Claw is the same cost as a power sword.

You're absolutely right. For some reason I was thinking 25 points. My fault. Still, the Lightning Claw has Shred.

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Hi everyone. I'm brand new to Chaos, I picked up the codex, dark vengeance and a box of chaos marines yesterday. Obviously the Dark Vengeance troops loadouts are fairly limited, but I was wondering what you guys suggest as for as a loadout for the extra 10 marines?

Hi Strangeguy and welcome to Chaos, where deciding how to model a simple troop unit involves a lot of thought.


I wanted to suggest a simpler way to approach the problem. Start by deciding what you want the unit to do, then decide what to give it. Think about what you want to give to the champion later, there's a good chance you won't give him anything at all.


In terms of roles:


- If you want your CSMs to be anti-MEQ, give them flamers or no special weapons. Perfectly legitimate option.

- If you want your CSMs to be anti-MEQ+ and light AV, give them plasma.

- If you want your CSMs to be AV, give them meltas.

- If you are running a 10 man unit and really want it to be AV, get a heavy weapons marine from GW with a Lascannon or Missile Launcher.


You should also think about whether they are going to primarily be a shooty or melee unit. In our Codex, you have to buy the extra cc weapon now. If you want to use them for melee, buy the extra cc weapon and make sure it goes on your models. The swords that come on the sprue are perfectly legitimate, and you can do a lot of things with greenstuff. There are some good loyalist bits that can be used for this as well.


A lot of people are down on icons, but you probably have a dude with a pole. You may want to think about magnetizing him and the standards he came with, word is still out on what's best in various situations. There's a good chance you will use your CSMs without any marks and icons at all, so make sure you are not tied to a specific one when you are just starting out.


As far as the aspiring champion goes, he's generally best used as someone who can deal with a challenge. Think about power weapons for him, I personally like the sword and the mace. The special rules around power axes are hard in situations where it pays to hit first. Also, if you are going AV, think about melta bombs, they are still really effective and can mean the difference between 1 and 2 rounds spent whacking a vehicle.


You may be thinking about buying a Rhino at some point to get your troops into combat quicker. For right now, don't buy it. It's more complicated to use them in 6th edition, your time and energy is better spent focused on your troops without the complications of armor. Look carefully at the missions in the BRB and you will find it's not hard to get into shooting range by the second turn under most scenarios.


Just remember, when you are starting out, it's more important to have fun with it since Chaos is not really a point and shoot army. It challenges you, and the best lists are not the obvious ones. You are going to learn a lot of things just by playing simple games, and discover what you really like as you go along.


One last piece of advice, don't get caught up in the wargear used for the DV chosen. It's very expensive for what it does, and that unit doesn't fare well in typical 40k games. You may want to use one of those models as the AC for your CSM squad.

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