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Daemon Princes and marks

The Octagon

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Hi there. I have looked through our new codex many and many times now, and I can't find the paragraph where it says that Tzeentch +1 inv. save don't apply to Princes. Where does it say that? And if the inv. save don't apply, does that mean that +1I MoS, +1T MoN don't apply as well?

As a prince of chaos they should have the right to have a great inv. save in my opinion, small compensation for the loss of eternal warrior.

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Mark of Tzeentch gives +1 invul save. The prince is a Daemon of Tzeentch, thus he has no equipment or gifts that is called Mark of Tzeentch but other special rules that apply only to him...
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DPs have upgrades not Marks (pg. 33 or the back of the book, summary). For example, Daemon of Tzeentch re-rolls all "1s" on saving throws (each dice can be re-rolle only once, as per BRB!). It's still and awesome boost to the saves.
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DPs have upgrades not Marks (pg. 33 or the back of the book, summary). For example, Daemon of Tzeentch re-rolls all "1s" on saving throws (each dice can be re-rolle only once, as per BRB!). It's still and awesome boost to the saves.


It's decent enough if you get your armoursave, since it means you get to reroll 50% of failed armoursaves.

It's quite simply 'meh' if you only get your IV-save. (reroll 25% of failed IV'saves.)

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