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KrautScientist says hello!


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Hi everyone,


my name is KrautScientist and I just registered. Yay! Originally, I didn't want any more accounts on hobby boards, seeing how these tend to eat up your time. But there are simply too many cool threads here that I want to comment on, so what was I to do?


Anyway, I am a 31-year-old German who has been addicted to cutting up little plastic men since the early 90s. The World Eaters are my army of choice, and I currently own about 4,000 points of heavily customised followers of Khorne (about half of that stuff is painted ^_^ ). I also have smaller detachments of Traitor Guard and the Legio Custodes (counts as Vanilla Marines for now) and am quite heavily into converting characters for Inquisitor played at the 28mm scale.


Maybe I'll get around to showcasing some of my models here as well. In any case, you are very welcome to visit my blog .


Anyway, thanks for looking and thanks for having me! ^_^

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Welcome to these hallowed halls.


I didn't want any more accounts on hobby boards, seeing how these tend to eat up your time.
They only use as much as you let them. ^_^


The World Eaters are my army of choice
Good choice!


I will be seeing you in the Throne of Skulls area then.


Enjoy your time here.

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